What The Hell Is Joe Biden Talking About? – IOTW Report

What The Hell Is Joe Biden Talking About?

This guy has really lost it. What the hell is he talking about?

14 Comments on What The Hell Is Joe Biden Talking About?

  1. Joe Biden is where this country has taken itself to. That thought wants to make me sit in a corner and weep.

    I wish I had confidence that this country can survive the insanity that is engulfing it.

  2. Billions of dollars, spaghetti sauce, shopping cart forklift.

    No one can figure out how any of that links together, but he’s not Trump, so the democrats will vote for him anyway.

  3. Just wanted to thank the Liberals, Socialists, MBLM, Pink Hats, Anti-FA_ts, Marxists, and others that make up the New Anti-America Socialist-Democrat Party.

    America has awaken and you have guaranteed Trump his re-election.


  4. I think he meant pallets when he said carts – that’s what a forklift would carry – but that’s neither here nor there. Biden has nothing but dying grey matter between the ears.

  5. That something is called Hillezibub, she will be his VP nominee and Pedo will be pushed aside to go eat his porridge with a straw.

    The Demonrat party is the party of Satan and all Demonrats are his willing minions, they have brought this great and beautiful country to the abyss, we have this one final chance to postpone Lucifers control of this earth for the sake of our children and grandchildren… make it count

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