BLM ‘protestors’ intimidate diners, yell homophobic slurs and wake up liberal neighborhood in middle of the night – IOTW Report

BLM ‘protestors’ intimidate diners, yell homophobic slurs and wake up liberal neighborhood in middle of the night

BLM protesting the gays. You can’t make this stuff up

Blaze: Black Lives Matter protesters demonstrated in the residential and mostly liberal neighborhood of Georgetown in Washington, D.C., on Saturday night. The demonstrators harassed people eating dinner, yelled homophobic slurs, and purposely tried their best to wake up every resident in the neighborhood. Not exactly the best recruiting methods to get people to support your cause.

Black Lives Matter protesters marched down the streets of residential Georgetown slightly before midnight on Saturday night and screamed, “Wake your ass up!” One person is seen using a megaphone and shrieking, “If we don’t get no justice, then you don’t get no sleep!” Others are banging metal pots to wake people up. more here

23 Comments on BLM ‘protestors’ intimidate diners, yell homophobic slurs and wake up liberal neighborhood in middle of the night

  1. Yes, that is going to get more people to support you. Wake them up and yell LGBTQXYZ slurs and bad mouth causes they support (including you, at least until now). Idjits

  2. How long must we wait before we starting removing these blm & antifa losers from existence? How long???

    Want to end riots in Portland?
    Want to end looting in Chicago?
    Want to protect law abiding citizens?

    Start using real bullets and aim…
    Yes I’ll say it… “shoot to kill.”

    Treat animals like animals. Cull the herd.
    I’ve tired of their bullshit

  3. Pawns are expendable.
    Follow the money. Who is paying for the BLM Maggots and the ANTIFA Thugs?
    We know a bunch of the money flows from Soros, but there’re other streams of cash.

    Wonder why the FBI, CIA, and NSA can’t figure it out?
    Hmmmm … got the spooks duped? Ya think?

    Cut off the head – it dies.
    Cut off the tail – it grows a new one.

    Snakes … Serpents … Dragons … Maybe there’s a reason for popular historical depictions of evil …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. They’ve officially made the jump to residential areas. Once one location starts something new the rest follow. When they start venturing into the burbs, which has got to be close, is when you will need to start scraping them off your front porch.

  5. @ Bad_Brad AUGUST 10, 2020 AT 12:25 PM

    Civilians, as a rule, do not have and are not trained in the use of non lethal means to terminate violent threats against them. Any legitimate law sanctions the use of lethal force to protect oneself. Do the math.

    Once they threaten the security of children whose parents give a crap about their kids the gloves come off pronto.

  6. JDHasty


    Most Penal Codes regarding the use of deadly force are almost boiler plate from state to state. Here’s California’s

    “California law allows use of force in self-defense or defense of others when you reasonably believe that you or they are in imminent danger of physical harm, and that force is necessary to stop the danger. However, you may only use the degree of force reasonably necessary under the circumstances.”

    How do I stop a MOB from inflicting physical harm on me or my family. It’s Mag Dump Monday. It’s going to happen, it’s just a matter of time. Let’s hope when it does an AR was not used.

    When it does happen, who do you think the surviving mob will call?

  7. Bad_Brad
    AUGUST 10, 2020 AT 1:20 PM
    “Speaking of lasers, AntifaBLM’s fav weapon, here’s a great article on how to protect yourself from them.”

    …I have a Crimson Trace laser affixed to my S&W Shield I can point right BACK at them, but there’s usually some follow-up that arrives shortly after the laser does…

  8. They did this the other night in Portland too, went into a residential neighborhood and woke them up. They better pick their cities wisely, many of us are not going to put up with this crap.

  9. These groups are pretty well organized. Seeing this stuff “spring up” from one city/town/suburb to another is orchestrated using social media. It’s not just one group copying another.

    Another interesting thing in this past weekend, is that they did this in Portland and Georgetown (other places?) on Saturday night, not Sunday night when people have get up and do some kind of work the next day. And they did it in progressive enclaves against people who are less likely to own guns or use force of any kind against them. They may get yelled at, but that’s about it.

    Are they trying to get people to call the police in hopes of an ambush opportunity? I think this is why the police don’t want you calling them on these criminals.

    I can’t see how this is going to end peacefully with these guys. Someone is going to get a belly full of it and someone else is going to get a belly full of lead.

    Barr and Co. better hurry the hell up and decide how it’s going down.


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