Lodi, California: Hero cop saves man in wheelchair from oncoming train – IOTW Report

Lodi, California: Hero cop saves man in wheelchair from oncoming train


Officer Erika Urrea, of the Lodi, California Police Department, saved a man from certain death as an oncoming train barreled toward him. The man’s wheelchair had become stuck on the tracks.

The tense video, captured via Officer Urrea’s body cam, shows her dashing out of her police vehicle and rushing toward the man.

The sound of the oncoming train on the tracks can be heard over shouts from Officer Urrea saying there’s a “male stuck on the tracks” and she’s “trying to get him out.” go see

11 Comments on Lodi, California: Hero cop saves man in wheelchair from oncoming train

  1. He’s lucky, having come from that area Lodi’s STEALTH trains have a very high kill ratio! It’s notorious for it’s suicide by train incidents. My fishing partner was a police capt. there and mentioned it often. It’s almost right up there with the Golden Gate Bridge jumpers!

  2. …from the previous thtead on this…

    AUGUST 13, 2020 AT 10:15 PM
    “That LEO was a hero and now she is going to be sued for not saving the guy’s chair and for the PTDS that he has to live with now because of her. Just wait- it will happen.”

    …there was a time I would have laughed at the very idea, but that time is passed. Along with all the OTHER poisonous, dehumanizing concepts the Left has advanced to try to cheapen human life, they been pushing the concept of “Wrongful Life” suits as a Bizzaro World antagonist to Wrongful Death suits.

    As a concept, it started out with the Obama years (of course) when a provider was accused of not giving a patient information that would likely have caused them to kill their unborn child, as detailed here.


    …it expanded in CA (of course) to where an adult child with congenital defects can sue his own obstetrician for letting him be born, and is expanding into the realm of recusutative efforts to the point where its threatening the concept of implied consent.


    …so, if someone’s down, you can NOT try to save them and be sued for wrongful death…or you can try to save them and if they come back brain damaged, you can be sued for wrongful life.


    …so, if some Democrat lawyer argues that she should have let him die because she should have known that his mental and physical state would leave him no quality of life, then she could lose EVERYTHING for her heroic rescue.

    .It’s California.

    .It’s 2020.

    .Civil suits only need a preponderance of evidence.

    .And Democrats told everyone cops are evil.

    So don’t tell me it can’t happen.

    Good save by the officer, she’s a hero. She saved a life.

    Shame she lives in a Democrat made world that places no value on life and so HATES those who PRESERVE it..

    …thanks, Democrats, for making every day an adventure in an illogical, anti-human Twilight Zone episode because, muh power…

  3. Why the fuck do people not respect trains? I mean, this guy apparently got stuck, and that’s fucked up, but…

    I stop before I cross any track. Look both ways.

    I had people scream at me both in Waldorf and Fordland. “Why are you stopping? The gates (or as the Waldorf people say, “…duh shits be up!”) are up!”

    I’ve been doing mechanical and electrical shit almost all my life. You are going to trust that signal? You are going to trust that gate? I’ve seen the gate go down for 10 minutes and NOTHING came down the tracks. I’ve seen the gate and signal just sit there and look stupid for 2 minutes whilst the train was still passing the intersection. Pay attention.

    You don’t just hit the accelerator, like an asshole, when the signal goes green? Do you? Fucking people.

  4. Damn right the train wins all ties. Fucking two engines in the front and three at the caboose. They can’t stop, easily.

    It’s like a big boat. I never ran a big boat. I ran smaller shit. We run full aft when we have to, and generally we don’t have to. All that movie shit is mostly movie shit. I ran tides and river runs. We run full aft to make corrections. Just a blip. Just to swing the boat.

    Trains don’t do that.

  5. Erik did you ever stop to consider that perhaps he did look both ways and it was safe to cross but the wheelchair got stuck in the tracks? Railroad crossings can make large cars bounce…Im sure they can play havoc on a wheelchair


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