DOJ accuses Yale of illegally discriminating against white, Asian students – IOTW Report

DOJ accuses Yale of illegally discriminating against white, Asian students

“Yale rejects scores of Asian American and white applicants each year based on their race, whom it otherwise would admit,” the DOJ said.

8 Comments on DOJ accuses Yale of illegally discriminating against white, Asian students

  1. Damn well about time! Racial preferences are not “equality.” Racial preferences are, in truth and in fact, racist.

    I rather expect that black admissions to Yale (and other universities) would dramatically decline were Yale to abandon its policies of racial preferences in favor of simple achievement and intellectual ability.

    Sorry, blacks, but that is a fact of life. Suck it up.

    Just sayin’.

  2. Pull all federal money from Yale and mandate that all administrators and staff attend race and sensitivity training every month for the next 12 months and then fire them all and shut down the so-called school!

  3. Bending the standards for a particular race does no one any favors. Those admitted are not really qualified to be there, and thus have a diminished chance for success. Meanwhile, everyone else knows how that individual got in, which can lead to a lack of social acceptance.

  4. This is systemic racism. The only kind of systemic racism that exists in this country and which needs to be dismantled, is discrimination against whites (and to a lesser extent, Asians). BLM crowd wants to dismantle racism, yet racism in this country benefits blacks and harms whites. If we were to truly do away with racism, I don’t think BLM crowd would be too happy with the outcome.

  5. Their admin could just resign and give all their high paying jobs to the BLM if they really feel this way.

    Imagine the great students they will produce within 4 years.


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