Biden Plans to Sue Catholic Nuns After Saying They Inspired Him to Run – IOTW Report

Biden Plans to Sue Catholic Nuns After Saying They Inspired Him to Run

The pursuit of happiness:

Is Joe Biden really Catholic?

That’s a question millions of Catholics are asking this Presidential election after Joe’s faith has been called into question over his support of abortion.

The presumptive Democratic nominee recently released a campaign video which credits his Catholic faith, Pope Francis, and “nuns” for his inspiration to run for President.

But as much as Sleepy Joe claims to love “nuns”, it hasn’t stopped him from moving forward with plans to sue the Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic religious institute for women that was founded to help care for impoverished elderly people. more

10 Comments on Biden Plans to Sue Catholic Nuns After Saying They Inspired Him to Run

  1. This insufferable bastard gives Catholics a bad name! I am not exactly Fr. Flanagan, but Biden, is more than damaged and an effing LIAR as well.

    IF a pope were to be quoted by a Cat-lic, and I am one, than it would be JP II, this Francis, this Berglio, is a Fraud.

  2. Didn’t SCOTUS already rule on this? Just because Biden sues them again doesn’t mean SCOTUS is going to say “You’re right, we made a mistake. Make those damn nuns pay for birth control and abortions.” Is he really that stupid? Don’t answer that.

  3. I paint with a more broad brush. Forget about being a repentant, real Christian if you are a Democrat. You cannot serve two masters.

    The Democrat party demonically defends murder by abortion and celebrates every sexual perversion out there. I doubt your conversion if you still tolerate such disgusting sin. REPENT!

    The Republicans are not perfect, but they do not have blatantly evil policies in their core platform.

    So, Biden is a servant of Satan. A drooling moronic fool, but still evil.


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