Obama Expresses Concerns That Biden Cannot Defeat Trump, Report – IOTW Report

Obama Expresses Concerns That Biden Cannot Defeat Trump, Report

Conservative Brief:

Former Vice President and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is a walking disaster and even his former boss knows it.

Former President Obama has expressed concerns behind the scenes that Biden cannot defeat President Donald Trump in November, a new report claims, The Daily Mail reported.

Tensions linger between the camps with the VP determined to prove the naysayers wrong after Obama backed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as his successor in 2016, Politico states.

While the former President has publicly backed Biden – albeit late in the day – he is said to be warning his inner circle that he may not be fit for office.

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up,” the former president said of his former number two man, one Democrat source said, The Daily Mail reported. more

17 Comments on Obama Expresses Concerns That Biden Cannot Defeat Trump, Report

  1. BREAKING: Conservative broadcaster Millie Weaver is being arrested for “burglary” from a SEALED grand jury indictment:


    This is VERY SCARY: share it.

    She was about to release a documentary on Wednesday that was supposed to break stories on the obama spying scandal.

    She is being held without bail – she has not been told what she has been indicted for.


  2. Yet Hillary just said she’d be glad to take a job in a Biden administration. Sounds like there’s a little friction between the Clinton and Obama camps. And when you add in the tension between the Biden and Harris factions, it seems there may be trouble unifying against Trump as 11/3 approaches. More and more, it looks like Molotov-Ribbentrop all the way down. And the Derp State has jist begun to rat each other out. I’m liking Trump’s odds more with each passing day.

    And anonymous, Millie Weaver must have kicked over a big f—kin’ Deep State rock. Pray for her.


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