New York City is ‘dead forever,’ according to this proud New Yorker – IOTW Report

New York City is ‘dead forever,’ according to this proud New Yorker

Will the city that never sleeps ever wake up?

MarketWatch: Not according to James Altucher, a best-selling author and former hedge-fund manager (and a former MarketWatch columnist), who says that New York City is “dead forever” as its residents come to grips with the reality of the coronavirus pandemic and what it means for the fate of the Big Apple.

“I love NYC. When I first moved to NYC, it was a dream come true. Every corner was like a theater production happening right in front of me. So much personality, so many stories,” he wrote in a blog post explaining why his temporary relocation might become more permanent.

Altucher isn’t alone, of course. The New York Times back in June asked the “agonizing” question: “Is New York City worth it anymore?” amid a mass exodus of an estimated 420,000 residents between March and May, when the coronavirus was really blowing up.

In July, there were a record 13,117 vacant apartments across Manhattan, according to a report by Douglas Elliman and Miller Samuel Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants. A year ago, that number was a 5,912. Also, new lease signings fell by about 23%, resulting in a drop in rental prices. read more

24 Comments on New York City is ‘dead forever,’ according to this proud New Yorker

  1. I’ve never been to NYC….so I started to watch the DNC convention on CNN and almost barfed…..I then switched to the cooking channel because, yeah, I like to eat good and attract chicks that like to eat good…hasn’t worked since well, forever, but I eat good. So, I missed the episode about celebrity chefs that describe the best thing they ever ate and it throws me to a show called “Amy Schumer learns to cook”…..and now I fully understand why New York is dead forever….

  2. As long as they’re still talking in terms of questions, it ain’t dead yet.

    As a proud American, I certainly hope that NY City isn’t dead or on life support. I care deeply about all our great cities. Maybe it’s one of those things like a family can complain all it likes about each other but when outsiders (Communist Democrats) are involved, all bets are off.

    It’s not us against NYC, it’s us against the Commie Dems who would love to see NYC destroyed.

  3. @AbigailAdams – very very well said.

    NYC’s survival hinges but on a few things right now. The outerboroughs will carry on as usual. The money that we hear about, comes and goes.

    What we don’t want is a sensitive location for the STOCK MARKET itself…right now.


  4. Ghost — yes, that would be a problem. But post-9/11 I would think the markets have a plan for dealing with terrorist interruptions. At least any sane, essential business in a high-risk city would. Let us hope.

  5. I’ve been to NYC half a dozen times. Never more than 3-4 days at a time. Mostly had a great time. It’s been 20 years since I’ve been there, seems like things have changed.

  6. unrelated:

    Big mike is on TV now decreeing the virtues of Dementia Joe. I have no idea how moose can keep a straight face when talking about this real racist sleaze.

    “…my friend Joe Biden.”

    She is actually a good actor if not a moral one.

  7. Had some fun times here.
    Now they’ve got a go fund me set up to stay open …

    As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Bitter End, like many live venues in NYC, is facing tremendous financial struggle as we try to reopen our doors.

  8. @Joe6pak – those were the good times! Well at least the pre-9-11 years that is…

    Yes, the Choomer in Chief years gave us the DeCommio years now, ‘change’ can be found just about everywhere in the city. Grafitti for instance? Forgetaboutit…

    Great place to grow up believe it or not, but we know its time to get the heck away from now…far away. Even the burbs is too close and we are on the edge…

  9. I posted this on another site:

    Dear New York City,

    Until your racist voters come to their senses and stop their unceasing hatred of white people, stop their forbearance of violence and murder and allow police to do their job, screw New York City. Until voters get serious and regularly elect Conservatives to fill key positions, NYC will always cry for bail outs.

    Voters are like abused women who demand sympathy and protection because their husband/boyfriend continually beats them but keep running back to their abuser. Why should we continue to bail out that bunch of degenerates? Tourism is virtually extinct, no carriage rides through Central Park, Broadway is gone, stores are leaving, great restaurants are closed, local ethnic districts are dying, infrastructure is crumbling – what’s so almighty great about NYC?

    Your voters have gleefully driven off the job creators and elected cretins to speak for them in Congress; too bad, so sad but their actions do not elicit forbearance from the rest of America.

    So, tough rocks, NYC, and to quote a former president, “Drop dead”

  10. the problem w/ the article is that it keeps on blaming the Chinese Red Death for the problem instead of the real reason …. Commu’rat Mayor & Governor seizing power due to a made-up ‘crisis’ w/ the acquiescence of the city council, the state legislature & the citizens

    … as w/ the rest of the country

  11. I grew up in NYC. I was there when the movie “Death Wish” was an accurate depiction of the crime-ridden hell hole a good part of it was. Still, there was a lot of glamour, and NYC was always an edgy place.

    It really isn’t hard to destroy, especially from within. Like obama destroyed much of America, di blasio destroyed much of NYC. Just like no president in US history was a fraudulent, treasonous scumbag, no mayor in the history of NY was an obama, as di blasio is.

    It will take many years for NYC to come back from the brink, as it will all democrat cities being sabotaged by leftist scum running them. It will come back as much as any US city can come back from the shit like obama and di blasio being elected to high office.

    Is Los Angeles next?

  12. We flew there for Christmas ‘18 and three times my brother, who knows the place inside out, gave us the Mach 5 speed walk tour that each time nearly killed me. We literally walked at least five miles each time – who knew there was that much walking space in Lower Manhattan???

    There were antifa protesting outside TT – between them and the rest of us tourists there was barely space to breathe, let alone walk. Now the place is empty. Kind of sad.

  13. @Anonymous
    It will come back as much as any US city can come back from the shit like obama and di blasio being elected to high office.

    Cities can come back? Like Detroit?


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