Why is Argentina still plagued by the ChinaVirus 150 days into lockdown? – IOTW Report

Why is Argentina still plagued by the ChinaVirus 150 days into lockdown?

Sp!ked [Fraser Myers] –

Argentina passed a grim milestone at the weekend. Sunday marked 150 days in lockdown for the capital Buenos Aires and the surrounding area. The lockdown, which was one of the strictest in Latin America, began on 20 March and was originally slated to last until the end of March. Though there have been a number of relaxations and subsequent re-tightenings over the past few months, the current lockdown measures have been extended to the end of August.

Earlier in the pandemic, Argentina received a great deal of praise for its handling of the virus. In June, Time magazine included it in a list of the ‘best global responses’ to Covid-19. At the time of the Time article, Argentina had recorded just 726 Covid deaths. But deaths and cases have surged in the past two months, rising to over 5,800 deaths. According to Bloomberg, on a per capita basis, similar numbers have died in recent weeks to the US and Brazil – the world’s two worst hotspots. All of this, of course, is occurring during the long and strict lockdown. Or as Bloomberg put it: ‘The worsening outbreak stands at odds with a government that seemed to do everything right.’ more

8 Comments on Why is Argentina still plagued by the ChinaVirus 150 days into lockdown?

  1. TheRealTruthSerum AUGUST 19, 2020 AT 9:50 AM
    “Maybe because this is all bullshit?”

    …no, it’s a real seasonal flu, just like we have EVERY year.

    It kills some people with weak immune systems, just like it does every year (this flu LESS than most).

    It makes some people cough and have temperatures for a little while, just like it does every year.

    Some people don’t feel sick from it, just like every year.

    So it DOES exist.

    …it’s just been blown up to Steven King Superflu proportions to destroy a Nation and a President, and the more people who die from the ensuing completely ginned-up panic, the better satan and his Democrats will be pleased, and in the meantime they enjoy forcing us to wear badges of slavery right on our faces even though they have no LEGAL right to do that, and they also enjoy taking away our houses of worship while leaving casinos free to fleece and to congregate in huge numbers in a church THEMSELVES to use a dead guy who got thumped on the head once by a Democrat-commanded cop 50 years ago to lob hateballs at our President from and then ignore their OWN quarentine procedures when done, because THAT part of it is complete bullshit and they KNOW it…

    …don’t look for the amping up to relax any time soon, that’s why the testing. If you test for something, especially using an unreliable test, you WILL find it. Everyone would test positive for every OTHER flu in previous years, we just never went LOOKING before because they weren’t trying so ardently to steal an election by forcing the vote out of the public eye and into venues they have FULL control over…

    …so no, the actual FLU is NOT complete bullshit.

    But the way they’re USING it, IS.

    And why NOT, it works for THEM.

    …and you need look no further than the lower half of your own face the next time you go to work to see that they’ve WON…

  2. Nobody is plagued. This is global line of total bullshit to protect the central banks that likely fucked the global economy again. The fake plague is a big lie to convince the peasants that their economies and freedoms are crashing and burning because of their actions instead of the usual fuckups from Central Bankers and the corruption of the shitbag politicians and bureaucrats who do the bidding of the ruling central banker class.

  3. The bullshit is coming from the left as they lie, lie, and lie some more. The virus is real, and the attempt to turn our free country into a totalitarian regime is real. The bullshit is that it seems to be working as the left is orgasmic with power. They will not stop until we make them. Will we make them?

    Edit: Didn’t read SNS’s perfectly stated comment before spouting off! 1,000 thumb ups!

  4. Uganda is doing very well.

    Uganda must have fabulously talented and smart government.

    That, or the majority of the keeps taking over-the-counter hydroxychloroquine for the rampant malaria…


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