Why Was Bernie Sanders Campaigning for Donald Trump at the Dem Convention? – IOTW Report

Why Was Bernie Sanders Campaigning for Donald Trump at the Dem Convention?

PJMedia: Remember when the entire Democratic primary field consolidated around Joe Biden to ensure Bernie Sanders did not get the nomination? The conventional wisdom was that the party knew an open socialist would be problematic in the general election. Someone at the DNC should have previewed Sanders’ convention speech, because he reinforced Donald Trump’s fundamental campaign pitch on the DNC’s first night.

While Sanders stayed mostly on-message, one sound bite is already making the rounds in support of President Trump’s message that the Democrats and Joe Biden’s campaign have been taken over by the radical left:

“Our campaign ended several months ago, but our movement continues and is getting stronger every day. Many of the ideas we fought for that just a few years ago were considered “radical”, are now mainstream.”

Later in the speech, Sanders offered examples of what Joe Biden would do to implement portions of what many Americans still considered to be a radical agenda: more

6 Comments on Why Was Bernie Sanders Campaigning for Donald Trump at the Dem Convention?

  1. the commie-rat burnmiester deserves to be in jail alongside his criminal wife, but since he stayed on-message his 4th beach house is assured.

    For the second time in a row he is laughing his way to the bank off the backs of the stupid and the high low-fo voters who think that THIS time he will stick around long enough to get elected… LOL!!!

    fool me once, shame on you!
    fool me twice, shame on me!!
    fool me three times, and I gotta stop smoking so much weed!!!

  2. Biden is such a craven, spineless tool that he signed on to the “Defund the Police” idiocy. Even Bernie rejected that. Biden’s handlers are frantically trying to deny what Joe said, but it’s out there.

    Commie Jayapal is right about Joe; He is extremely “movable” and will bend to any crackpot socialist whim. As long as he doesn’t have to move further than his basement door. Let’s make sure he stays in his comfort zone.

    Maybe in honor of the Kitchen Debate between Vice President Nixon and Soviet First Secretary Kruschchev, President Trump should propose a Basement Debate with Biden. I think Soviet Socialist Bernie would approve.

  3. I worry that the (D)irtbag party will disqualify/ remove Biden/ Harris at the last moment, and replace them with some “unknown” candidate – thus getting to run another “pig in a poke” like Obama. Someone completely unvetted has a big advantage for them – better than running one of their well known leaders, who are all stupid crooks.

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