Republican Anna Paulina Luna Wins Primary in Florida’s 13th District – IOTW Report

Republican Anna Paulina Luna Wins Primary in Florida’s 13th District

Will Face Democrat Charlie Crist in November

Gateway Pundit:

Citizen Free Press writes:

Laura Loomer wasn’t the only outspoken woman to win big in Florida tonight. Republican candidate Anna Paulina Luna kicked ass in Florida’s 13th District. Luna will take on Charlie Crist in November. Luna, 31, a veteran, garnered nearly 36 percent of the vote, or more than 22,000 votes of the nearly 62,000 ballots cast in the race.

“I am honored and humbled to be nominated by the voters of Pinellas County, who affirmed what they told me on the campaign trail: they are ready for patriotic public servants and are done with career politicians and insiders. I look forward to unifying the Republican Party and sharing our message of people before party, and country before politics with all voters in Pinellas.”


8 Comments on Republican Anna Paulina Luna Wins Primary in Florida’s 13th District

  1. So that’s where Charlie Crist ended up. A walking POS if there ever was one. I’ll never understand how politicians like him, busted numerous times lying, stealing campaign funds and other assorted fag related crap, keep getting elected.

  2. John Morgan tried to get him a Senate seat running against Rubio. However, in the same race, flipflop ran as republican, independent, and democrat. Flipflop had even placed his placeholder appointee to fill in until he finished term as governor. Same pay, but 1 out of 435 doesn’t have the clout of 1 in 100.
    The former Secretary of State the democrats accused of stealing presidency from Gore once held this seat. So, a Republican victory in November is possible.

  3. Go Air Force!
    I wish we had a choice like that up here in North Florida.
    Unfortunately, the old Corine Brown got redistricted from snaking from Jacksonville to Orange County to now going from Jacksonville to part of Tallahassee. Corine is gone but we’re stuck with Al Lawson.

  4. The Republican party has a growing contingent of true conservatives. I hope the establishment is ready. Nope, I take that back. I hope the establishment is not paying attention so they will not sabotage these candidates.

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