Minnesota’s Democrat Governor Quietly Rescinds Hydroxychloroquine Ban – IOTW Report

Minnesota’s Democrat Governor Quietly Rescinds Hydroxychloroquine Ban

Breitbart: Minnesota is now “the second state to reject regulations that effectively ban the controversial drug hydroxychloroquine for use by COVID-19 patients,” reports Jon Miltimore of RealClearPolitics.

“The decision, which comes two weeks after the Ohio Board of Pharmacy reversed an effective ban of its own, was rightfully praised by local health care advocates,” he continues, adding, “In recent weeks a chorus of voices in the medical community has emerged to challenge the view that hydroxychloroquine is ineffective as a COVID treatment.”

This includes Yale School of Public Health epidemiology professor Dr. Harvey A. Risch, who wrote, “When this inexpensive oral medication is given very early in the course of illness, before the virus has had time to multiply beyond control, it has shown to be highly effective, especially when given in combination with the antibiotics azithromycin or doxycycline and the nutritional supplement zinc.”

Miltimore notes other recent studies that land on the side of hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness in treating the coronavirus, especially in its early stages, which is “key,” according to Risch. Other proponents include:

  • Steven Hatfill, a veteran virologist and adjunct assistant professor at the George Washington University Medical Center, says the literature supporting hydroxychloroquine is overwhelming.
  • “There are now 53 studies that show positive results of hydroxychloroquine in COVID infections,” Hatfill wrote[.]
  • One of the positive studies, published by Henry Ford Health System, was a large-scale retrospective of six hospitals. Analyzing 2,541 patients, it found that those treated with hydroxychloroquine alone died at about half the rate of patients not treated with it.

On the other side of the spectrum, there are two New England Journal of Medicine studies — both double blind peer reviewed randomized control studies — that show hydroxychloroquine is useless, that it has no therapeutic affect whatsoever regardless of how soon it’s taken. more

9 Comments on Minnesota’s Democrat Governor Quietly Rescinds Hydroxychloroquine Ban

  1. Possibly the first time in American history that a drug has been So politicized. Democrat governors should be sued for practicing medicine without a license. Democrats are deliberately literally killing people. Because Trump.

  2. I would like ALL governors OUT of the medical business entirely.

    And we need to kill this notion that governors have the right to decide who is ‘essential’ and who is not. Inslee – stick your head in a toilet and flush it.

    Tyranny at the state level – our Federal Government doesn’t know what to do about it!

  3. It is unbelievable how politics have entered the medical world.
    If the guy you don’t like says it might be good, it’s bad! No matter how many lives could have been saved.

  4. In Nevada, the wife-beater Dem governor banned HCQ on the advice of a NON MEDICALLY TRAINED guy who watched African women give birth, in Africa. In a village that probably had goats who were more medically knowledgeable than he is. THAT GUY made a decision on medical treatment on modern medicine, in America.

  5. Not just these tinpot dictator governors , but all the mainstream media should be brought up on murder charges.
    I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m taking names and when I get ugly enough, I’m going to start shooting.


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