Bill de Blasio’s Wife Spends $2 Million on Staff While City Projects 22,000 Municipal Layoffs – IOTW Report

Bill de Blasio’s Wife Spends $2 Million on Staff While City Projects 22,000 Municipal Layoffs

‘There’s no money for regular trash pickups or to maintain city parks, but Mayor Bill de Blasio’s wife enjoys a 14-member staff — including a $70,000 videographer who captured her baking cookies during the pandemic.’ MORE

25 Comments on Bill de Blasio’s Wife Spends $2 Million on Staff While City Projects 22,000 Municipal Layoffs

  1. Here we go again:

    Well were movin on up to the east side,
    To a dee-luxe apartment in the sky.
    Movin on up,
    To the East side,
    We finally got a piece of the pie…

    The Whole Fuckin Pie!

    Anyone wonder if she is depressed like Big Mike is depressed?

  2. This is a joke, right? This can’t be real.

    Pitch forks on sale now in New York City. Buy two, get three. Buy three, get five. Buy five, get ten! It’s family friendly, folks! Come on down to the Big Apple and paint the town RED!

  3. She looks like she just got off the boat from Africa. What an ugly woman, what next giant lip rings, pierced ears with bones sticking out, a stretched neck, the whole nine yards of looking like a savage refugee who escaped from an old Tarzan movie with Johnny Weismuller. Even the gorillas aren’t as ugly as she is.

  4. bill listened to advice from Jimmy Soul

    If you want to be happy for the rest of your life
    Never make a pretty woman your wife
    So for my personal point of view
    Get an ugly girl to marry you
    Don’t let your friends say you have no taste
    Go ahead and marry anyway
    Though her face is ugly, her eyes don’t match
    Take it from me, she’s a better catch
    If you want to be happy for the rest of your life
    Never make a pretty woman your wife
    So for my personal point of view
    Get an ugly girl to marry you

  5. Black Wives Matter, at least to Bill, apparently, although given what I’ve seen of liberal Black women he probably hired the staff so she’d have someone ELSE to run her mouf on and leave HIM alone for a change…

  6. Those 22,000 municipal employees losing their jobs will still vote for DeBlasio even though they’re staring at a stack of bills they can’t pay, lost their insurance, had their car repossessed, and just received their first warning from mortgage holder. Yes, they’re that stupid.

  7. Okay how about:

    Man she so ugly…(fill in jokes please – sorry couldn’t resist even tho I’m not site moderator)

    Man she so ugly she broke 2 clocks trying to read the time…

  8. In the first place, can we call the mayor of NYC by his real name? Stripping back his phony facade is a process.

    His birth name is Warren Wilhelm. Jr or the second. I don’t remember and don’t much care.
    New Yorkers, especially, start badgering him by using his birth name. Warren Kaiser Wilhelm. That would be unsettling for him. He felt his name was Teutonic and unfriendly.

    Stop with his made up name of Bill Deblasio.

    That’s bogus.

    And his ubangi African wife is just more stagecraft.

    That’s what leftists do. Stagecraft.

    He buys props, sells an image and is as deep as a puddle in your backyard after a one inch rainstorm.

    This asshat needs to be drummed out of public life. For good.

    Call it the right’s Cancel Culture.
    Somebody come up with a name for it.


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