Indiana AG Announces Planned Parenthood Concedes Defeat in Ultrasound Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Indiana AG Announces Planned Parenthood Concedes Defeat in Ultrasound Lawsuit


Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill announced Thursday that Planned Parenthood has conceded defeat in its lawsuit challenging the state’s ultrasound law and has agreed to provide women with ultrasounds at least 18 hours prior to abortions.

According to Hill’s office, Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky agreed to drop its lawsuit against the state as long as the abortion facility is given until January 1, 2021 to train its staff in the ultrasound equipment’s use. MORE

8 Comments on Indiana AG Announces Planned Parenthood Concedes Defeat in Ultrasound Lawsuit

  1. What a bunch of sick fucks. Fighting ultra sounds?

    Partial birth abortions. Post birth abortions. Abandon abortion survivors in closets until they pass. Selling baby body parts.

    Monstrous evil. And for what? Money? Cushy life styles? Talk about selling your soul.

  2. A health provider doesn’t know how to operate a ultrasound machine but can rip a baby apart inside your body in record time. Health provider my ass. That’s like a party store selling pre made sandwiches and calling themselves a restaurant.

  3. So the butchery will continue until 2021? The training must include the complete disassembly and reassembly of ultrasound machines. The states took a big one in the rear!

  4. “…as long as the abortion facility is given until January 1, 2021”

    …at which time they figure the impending inauguration of President Kam….I mean, Joe Biden will make this a moot issue, as any new lawsuit after that date would die, along with the United States and millions of infants, 19 days later anyway…

  5. …They want to train on how to make the image as dehumanized and damaged-looking as possible, they mean, because it really isn’t that hard to show untrained people distorted or deliberately incorrectly, such as not imaging the entire cranium, then claiming the child is defective and must be destroyed…

  6. …I’m really not a fan of making decisions based on ultrasounds anyway. Ultrasounds weren’t that great when my son was gestating and they didn’t image his face properly anyway, or we would have seen he had a cleft. Given how bad they tried to scare us about what it COULD have meant AFTER he was born, they probably would have tried VERY HARD to talk us into an abortion…and given that I wasn’t a Christian and pretty full of myself at the time, I probably would have bullied my wife into it and murdered my son, denying myself and my wife and all my family 21 years (and counting!) of joy, laughter, thrills, and happiness, shot through with terror and fright around some surgeries, true, but those were also times that deepened and strengthened the bonds between us and with the Lord who saw him through it ALL, and would have denied the world the otherwise healthy, brilliant, wonderful young man he is today.

    Thank God that He picked us a crappy ultrasound technician.

    And may He show only His image in those PP ultrasounds to accidentally dissuade those misguided and confused young women from making the mistake of a LIFETIME.


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