The Hills Have Crazy Eyes – IOTW Report

The Hills Have Crazy Eyes

All the Hillary supporters have crazy eyes
Crazy thoughts
Crazy behavior…

Patriot Retort:

Lordy!  Would you look at those crazy eyes?

This is your face on perpetual bitterness, boys and girls.

Perhaps during Hillary’s countless rehearsals of her “I’m Still Not Over It” speech, her staff pointed out that she blinks too much.  So, in an effort to avoid blinking, Hillary went instead with the wide-open crazy eyes look.

Either that or the botox and Chardonnay have rendered Hillary’s eyelids inoperable. more

See also: Let’s give the Convention the Star Trek Treatment.

11 Comments on The Hills Have Crazy Eyes

  1. The Red Hour when you live in a nutty place, the Return of the Archons:

    You wanted crazy eyes and debauchery in a not too distant democratic controlled town??

    FESTIVAL!!! Broken glass and shit being thrown everywhere even if few for a an hour or whatever…choreographed down to the second, at the stroke of…12:00.

  2. She and Pelosi seem to be doing some powerful drugs.
    Hitlery and Bill both look like crap.
    That’s what you get for playing in the Devil’s playground.
    I hope their names don’t get redacted from Epstein’s list.

  3. Beachmom
    AUGUST 21, 2020 AT 7:25 AM

    “I hope their names don’t get redacted from Epstein’s list.”

    …pretty sure they had them removed from the Book of Life, too…

  4. The one on the left ought to have been Adam Schiff. A real crazy-eyed Hillary supporter, with a small dysfunctional brain. Adam would be a more authentic choice than the large brained crazy-eyed fellow chosen.

    However, as mentioned above, Liz Warren could be very close runner up, decided by a coin toss.

  5. During Trump’s campaign in 2016 his followers kept chanting “Lock Her Up”.

    After the election, her let her off the hook. God knows why. She should have ended her rotten life in prison. The hag has been pestering the American people ever since. The good news is that she will never ever foul the WH again after Trump wins in November.

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