Just how thin is Hillary’s resume? – IOTW Report

Just how thin is Hillary’s resume?

Patriot Retort:

In 2016 we were assured that Hillary was the most-qualified, smartest, bestest possible choice for President in the entire history of the United States.  Yes sir.  Her resume speaks for itself!

Even Barack Obama talked up Hillary’s resume as if she was head and shoulders above him. Which, to be fair, isn’t saying a whole hell of a lot.  Even Jimmy Carter was head and shoulders above Barack.

Yup. In 2016, they couldn’t shut up about how accomplished and qualified she was. Hillary Clinton’s resume is so impressive that only a slack-jawed dummy wouldn’t vote for her.

So it is rather surprising that when providing convention-viewers (all twelve of them) with a snapshot of Hillary’s so-called impressive resume, this is what the DNC flashed on the stage during her pissing and moaning, still not over it speech last night.

She lost to Donald Trump.

She used her husband as a springboard for her own political career.

And she gave a speech in 1995.

Wow!  How impressive!

13 Comments on Just how thin is Hillary’s resume?

  1. President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton is like Frankenstein’s Bride. She’s alive! She’s alive! Chardonnay and bile must be keeping her alive for some reason. Maybe Dementia Joe has promised her the ambassadorship to Macedonia.

  2. As incredible as it sounds,
    Wannabe prez Hillary
    Who has still not accepted the
    results of the 2016 election

    Has even LESS
    Moral character and resolve
    Than her

    Husband !

  3. “…This poor, bitter old broad probably spontaneously combusted when she saw that. By now, I imagine she’s sleeping off a three-wine-box binge…”

    Now that’s funny!

    Not to mention the neck massage pictures of ol’ Slick released the day he spoke, adding fuel to her rage. Hope she was in a padded soundproof room when she flamed out.

  4. “Sinners do not fear death – they fear the Revealed Presence of God.”

    Mrs. Clinton’s demonstrable amorality is the only bona fide necessary to the stratospheric hierarchy of nihilistic totalitarianism.

    She believes in neither God nor the Devil – she believes in Power.
    And Power is, by definition, the Power to destroy – for Creation is solely the realm of God – and man’s puny attempt to imitate God is to destroy.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I’m surprised they left out:

    “Won the Benghazi Hearings Against Republicans During Marathon 11-Hour Testimony in 2015”

    The Dems were so proud of her after that. Who can forget the stirring “What difference, at this point, does it make?” A quote for the ages, indeed.

  6. Marco, she did say that she’d be willing to take a job in a Biden administration. I don’t know if that’s the kiss of death or desperation to get her government grift back. Maybe both.

  7. Her criminal talents resume is quite thick. Her positive self accomplishments resume is thin as gossamer wings. With a similar shimmery rainbow spectrum of light reflecting scales.


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