Tucker: Has life improved in Democrat-run cities? – IOTW Report

Tucker: Has life improved in Democrat-run cities?

For years, Democrats have promised that if you elect them your life will instantly improve.

10 Comments on Tucker: Has life improved in Democrat-run cities?

  1. Uh no. I’m living under Democrat rule, the Republican’s are completely absent here, so it allows all our local official’s to run our town into the ground.

    I’ll give you one example of the insanity, we have an official who got caught peeing in public, wrecked two cars they provided him without reporting it, berating people in public and they are thinking of suspending him for 30 day’s. Excuse me? 🙄

    I guarantee if he is a minority or has a D in front of his name it will actually be a resume enhancement.

    The voter’s here are so stupid.

  2. Dementiacrats have expanded their game during the last forty years. You don’t have to be an American-Africa to reside on their Plantation these days, they will take anyone.

  3. I have maintained for a loooong time that politicians should be held to the same standards of conduct as people in the private sector, which means having to meet a minimum standard of pre-requisite abilities and accomplishments to be qualified to be on the ballot in the first place, including drug testing and background checks. Then after being elected, being subject to imediate termination if found to be in violation of basic rules of conduct.
    So for example, what would happen to an employee who got caught peeing in public, wrecking two company cars without reporting it and berating people in public?
    I’ll give ya three guesses and the first two don’t count!!
    If it won’t be tolerated in the Private Sector it shouldn’t be tolerated in the Public sector.
    This lack of basic standards has to end!


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