President Trump Speaks On Admin. Success In Deregulation, Tax Relief – IOTW Report

President Trump Speaks On Admin. Success In Deregulation, Tax Relief

OAN Newsroom

According to President Trump, Democrats painted an inaccurately dark picture of the U.S. during this year’s Democratic National Convention. During Friday’s 2020 Council for National Policy in Virginia, the president said his time in office has been the most successful in U.S. history.

He went on to tout his administration’s historic tax cuts and deregulation efforts, along with the American economy and way of life under his presidency. In contrast, he claimed Democrats want to quadruple taxes and regulations.

The president has suggested Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden and his leftist policies pose a threat to the country. He further asserted a Biden presidency would benefit China and violent anarchists across the country.

“No party can lead America that spends so much time tearing down America. But the biggest part of last night’s speech was what Biden didn’t talk about. He didn’t talk about law enforcement. He didn’t talk about bringing safety to Democrat run cities that are totally out of control and have no clue. China was never mentioned in any way, shape or form. China will own our country if he gets elected. They will own our country. Well, we’re not going to let that happened.” – Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States.

1 Comment on President Trump Speaks On Admin. Success In Deregulation, Tax Relief

  1. The president is going to either win or lose the upcoming election on the debate stage, that’s if Biden is dumb enough to set foot on the debate stage. No, I’m not talking about exposing the senility/incompetence of his opponent, Trump needs to be laser-focused on highlighting all his accomplishments; standing up for the unborn, removing the regulatory shackles on the economy turning it into a juggernaut, passing real relief to average Americans in the form of tax cuts, confirming more than 200 constitutionalist judges and signing a landmark criminal justice reform bill giving Trump a more credible record on the justice system than either Biden or Harris. He has exposed China for the global threat that it is, and the new “Abraham Accord” normalizing relations in the Middle East, this is huge and something Trump made happen.

    The MSM has been silent and defiant in giving Trump his due, he must remind all those that get their news from CNN and others that they have been lied to.

    He can win this thing but he has to put in the work.


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