5 Dead As Wildfires Burn In California – IOTW Report

5 Dead As Wildfires Burn In California

OAN Newsroom

At least five people have been declared dead as firefighters continue to battle wildfires burning across Northern California.

According to reports, several wildfires surrounding San Francisco and the Bay Area destroyed more than 175 structures and are threatening 50,000 more. 33 civilians and firefighters have been injured so far.

More than 10,000 firefighters have already been deployed, but officials believe this isn’t close to enough to the number actually needed. California recently requested at least 350 more crews from outside the state. more

8 Comments on 5 Dead As Wildfires Burn In California

  1. And some of them are 0% contained–or just a few percent contained. The air quality is not good and more dry lightning strikes have been predicted as possible in the next few days. California is tinder awaiting a flashpoint–not unlike most of America’s population, politically.

  2. There’s lots of fires with no cause listed. This time of year we get a monsoonal effect in the Sierras complete with lightening which causes a lot of fires. Right now there’s lots more fires burning down low. For the last week it looks like a nuclear winter around here. The sun is a big orange hazy glow through the smoke.
    Once again Newsom discounts cleaning up the forests. He should get off his lazy ass and actually go look at our forests. They’re a mess.

  3. …Dear Lord, please protect these valiant young men and women and those they try to defend from the flames and smoke and debris that result when the devil uses his favorite weapon to kill with. Please see they have all the people and equipment they need against a backdrop of selfish politicians that have destroyed many resources for their own selfish political ends, and hold your hand over those in the region, including some of our dear friends here, that the flames may be turned by Your wind even as you strenghten these firefighters to their massive task.

    And we ask it all in the mighty and merciful name of Jesus,

  4. …I also hope they don’t suddenly deem fighting wildfires as somehow racist and start defunding THAT, too, but NOTHING Democrats do or say in their hatred for this Nation and her people would surprise me now…

  5. Supernightshade

    My oldest did the Hot Shot Crew thing for a couple summers. Kids an adrenaline junky. Longest summers for us (his parents) ever. He’s got video of huge ass pine trees exploding that will pop the wax out of your ears.
    That job gets more dangerous every year do to boo y traps from Mexican Pot Farmers.

  6. Ann Nonymous Prime, Bad_Brad and everyone else in Northern California, I just prayed SNSs prayer for you. Be safe and if you have to bug out, take all your critters, weapons and ammo.

  7. Bad_Brad AUGUST 22, 2020 AT 1:45 PM

    “My oldest did the Hot Shot Crew thing for a couple summers. Kids an adrenaline junky. Longest summers for us (his parents) ever.”

    …well God Bless him and God Bless you, I understand BOTH of you in this case as a former adrenline junky and current parent, and BOTH of you are exactly right here, rare in parent/child situations indeed!

    I never had to deal with anything wildfire-wise bigger than a tossed cigarette in a highway verge or a bum fire in a wood that got out of hand, so I can’t know what his campaign fires with nothing but a shovel and a fire blanket in many cases between him and death is like, but I know the demon that lives in those woods and it’s red fingers are long and searching and it’s weapons are merciless and uncaring. Your son must be brave indeed to have been willing to do that at ALL, and I salute his courage and bravery under literal fire, as well as his job well done as proven by the fact that he lived to come home to you.

    And you did well indeed to raise him fearless enough to do that, and to put YOUR fear down to LET him do that. In some ways, concern for a child is a bigger demon than the one in the flames, and I salute you as well for not protecting him so much that he didn’t take risks that benfitted us ALL.

    God Bless you both, and may he also all the firefighters on the fire lines today, and all those that love them and want them home safe and secure again one day.

    “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
    Joshua 1:9

    God Bless,


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