2 women arrested for assault of 7-year old Trump supporter outside Democrats’ convention – IOTW Report

2 women arrested for assault of 7-year old Trump supporter outside Democrats’ convention

Sharyl Attkisson: Wilmington, Delaware police have arrested two women in the anti-Trump incident involving a boy outside the Democratic National Convention.

Camryn Amy was reported arrested today. Olivia Winslow was arrested yesterday.

Police say they are the two women captured on video allegedly tearing up Trump signs, stealing a young boy’s “Make America Great Again Hat” and attacking the mother and a man. more

14 Comments on 2 women arrested for assault of 7-year old Trump supporter outside Democrats’ convention

  1. The two leftist bullies deserved being arrested and charged. At the same time, I’m not very sympathetic to the “mom” in this incident. Seems to me she used her 7 year old as a political prop to provoke the leftist skanks. After the hat was taken she tells the boy to go get it back. The kid’s only 7 for heavens sake. I think she wanted them to taunt that child so she could record it on her phone.

  2. While I question the mother’s decision to bring her 7 year old to a “protest”, these two ‘ladies’ need to learn their actions do in fact have consequences. Of course, they probably won’t learn a thing and their arrest will only enhance their standing with the local miscreants. Perhaps its best to remove them from the gene pool altogether.

  3. Steve,

    The protest was peaceful and had ended, as I understand.
    It was the middle of the day, sounds like she was with like minded friends, and a mother wanted her son to be with her (who knows the reason??), and it was not an unsafe choice, in her opinion. The protest had ended and they were at a restaurant when the two “animals” attacked.

    The fact that she told her son to get his hat back was the way we try to teach our children to stand up for themselves against a bully.

    I don’t think that attempting to pick his hat up off the ground after the woman threw it down was an unreasonable response by the mother. The fact that the other assailant stomped on his hand as he tried to get it, then picked it up again was not something, again, I think a mother could have foreseen.

    Heat of the moment – decisions – some are good and some bad. Not ours to judge.

  4. Can these 2 be spayed to permanently to remove them from the shallow end of the gene pool? I’d bet that Margaret Sanger would be all for it since these 2 are nothing but human weeds, except that they’re progtards. She’d abort the 7 year old first by any means necessary and sterilize the mom.

  5. Having been identified and arrested for doing something like this is something that any normal human being would be so ashamed of they would never want to be recognized again in public.

    I commonly refer to followers of the progressive movement as sub human pieces of shit, and this is an excellent example why. Within, and throughout, from top to bottom, to other followers of the progressive movement these two, by assaulting this youngster, have done nothing wrong and have done everything right. In a nutshell, they have enormously increased their “street cred.”

    You never see a “progressive” protest in which they are not using their own children as props to advance their own agenda and it is abundantly clear that they have no compunction attacking children, the elderly and the infirm with savage ferocity or mobbing innocents and assaulting them.

  6. Sometime, somewhere in the US the courts will actually start meting out real sentences to these progressive twats and most of the violence will stop overnight when they realize the consequences of a criminal record on their lives. Even the Antifa gay boys and the BLM thugs will back off when they realize that that nice European vacation they planned is now cancelled because most worthwhile countries won’t admit criminals. That new job you were in line for with the big pay raise and company car? Poof, gone when the employer does a background check. Start slinging these guys and gals in jail and make sure a criminal record is tied to their ass forever and watch the riots peter out.


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