Lest We Forget Who Jump-Started Racial Divisions in the US – IOTW Report

Lest We Forget Who Jump-Started Racial Divisions in the US

Uncover DC:
[…] Let’s not forget who gave us eight long years of racist division from his perch in the Oval Office – Barack Hussein Obama. Remember this first episode that got the racial division ball rolling in July of 2009?

After spending most of an hour patiently reiterating his arguments for changing the health insurance system, President Barack Obama turned his press conference sharply toward an iconic moment in American race relations: the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. earlier this week by the Cambridge Police.

Gates was arrested for allegedly disorderly conduct — a charge that was quickly dropped — after a confrontation with a police officer inside his own home. Though some facts of the case are still in dispute, Obama showed little doubt about who had been wronged.

“I don’t know – not having been there and not seeing all the facts – what role race played in that, but I think it’s fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home,” Obama said in response to a question from the Chicago Sun-Times‘s Lynn Sweet.

How about his comments about the Trayvon Martin killing by George Zimmerman that was as misleading as they were disingenuous since he must have known the truth when he spoke the following on the subject? more

18 Comments on Lest We Forget Who Jump-Started Racial Divisions in the US

  1. If You’ve ever read the book “Freakonomics” It describes how the invent of

    Television spread crime all through Central and South America…Regardless of

    the content…Whether it be Lucy or Rawhide…Crime rose ..This was derived

    from data collected during those Years because TV spread so slowly in those

    areas (as opposed to sweeping across America)

    I feel the same way about the internet…It let you know what a nitwit Your

    Cousin was….Don’t get Me wrong…I loathe 0webama..and the lsm that put

    Him there…But the Internet has truly exposed Out thoughts…good or bad..

    to the Community….It’s also how My Aunt Hazel found out I didn’t like Her

    Potato Salad.

  2. Bobcat – with a name like “Hazel,” green lime jello with diced carrots, little chunks of green celery and cottage cheese curd inside comes to mind. Potato salad? Not surprising. 🙂

  3. That cocksucker and his beast transvestite ‘wife’ are a disease unto themselves.

    It’s so INCREDIBLY hard to build, but so easy to destroy. These two moron sure did enough destroying, at the behest of George Soros.

  4. Guys, I read on AnotherWorldPortland dot org that Larry the Liberal was the second triggerman on the grassy knoll, sitting in a UFO, while Karl Rove and Dubya gave swimming lessons to Barry Soetoro.
    Larry is also implicated as J. Edgar Hoover’s ‘girl Friday’ during the Cuban Mistletoe Crisis.

  5. Before obama and biden we had no ISIS.

    Before obama and biden we had no BLM.

    Before obama and biden we had no ANTIFA

    Before obama and biden we had no war on cops.

    This is obama and bidens legacy.


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