Donald Trump Announces Approval for Convalescent Plasma to Treat Wuhan Chinavirus – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Announces Approval for Convalescent Plasma to Treat Wuhan Chinavirus

Breitbart: President Donald Trump on Sunday announced that the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had approved the use of convalescent plasma to treat coronavirus for emergency use.

The president spoke about the approved treatment during a White House press conference on Sunday evening.

“This is a powerful therapy that transfuses very, very strong antibodies from the blood of recovered patients to help treat patients battling a current infection,” Trump wrote. “It’s had an incredible rate of success.”

The treatment takes convalescent plasma from blood donated from patients that have recovered from coronavirus.

Under current FDA guidelines, convalescent plasma is regulated as an “investigative product.”

“We broke the logjam over the last week,” Trump said when asked about the difficulty getting the treatment approved for emergency use by the FDA.

The president thanked FDA administrator, Dr. Steven Hahn, for helping lead the project.

“It is only made possible because of Operation Warp Speed. That is, everybody working together,” Trump said referring to his administration’s effort to speed treatments and vaccines for coronavirus.

Trump said that approvals were years ahead of schedule and previewed exciting news about vaccines in the upcoming days.

“We are removing unnecessary barriers and delays, not by cutting corners, but by marshaling the full power of the federal government,” he said.

Hahn said that the expanded access program for convalescent plasma was started at the Mayo Clinic in April and over 70,000 people had received treatment. read more

6 Comments on Donald Trump Announces Approval for Convalescent Plasma to Treat Wuhan Chinavirus

  1. “Meanwhile, democrats fume and say it’s not safe.”

    Oh they’re not the only ones. I just posted and deleted a RINO site’s article about it. They had nothing but negativity and even threw in the words, “using bleach on patients” about Trump. Fucking losers.

  2. Yeah, keep wearing you mask and your RNA vaccines that will genetically modify your DNA will be mandatory soon.

    I have been not wearing a mask anywhere. Managers and Karen’s tell me to wear a mask. I tell them to take off their mask.
    “Oh, there’s a sign on the front? I don’t accept the authority of your sign. Go away.“

  3. Okay, please disregard the whack-job jew-hate in the comments at the link I provided above. lets it all hang out. I’m not excusing the shit that goes on there, just being true to 1A. For the record, I am a Zionist.

  4. Hydrocloriquine cures a Covid patient in days, this plasma “therapy” probably takes weeks. Sorry, not impressed. Especially, since the socialism advocates, the FDA/CDC approved it.

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