‘Free people with free minds’: At RNC, Democrat Vernon Jones says more black voters ready to back Trump – IOTW Report

‘Free people with free minds’: At RNC, Democrat Vernon Jones says more black voters ready to back Trump

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Wa Ex: Vernon Jones, a black Democrat who has endorsed President Trump, used his time speaking at the Republican National Convention to say a growing bloc of black voters are ready to back the GOP incumbent.

The state representative from Georgia made the case that Democrats should not assume black voters will support Joe Biden simply because of his party, speaking to Trump’s push to grow the 8% support he got among black voters in 2016.

“The Democratic Party does not want black people to leave their mental plantation. We’ve been forced to be there for decades and generations. I have news for Joe Biden, we are free, we are free people with free minds, and I’m part of a large and growing segment of the black community who are independent thinkers. And we believe that Donald Trump is the president that America needs to lead us forward,” Jones said during his speech, which aired Monday evening on the first night of the convention.

“This is no time for sleeping in the basement. Joe Biden has had 47 years to produce results. But he’s been all talk and no action,” Jones said in reference to the former vice president’s time at his Delaware home because of the coronavirus pandemic. more here

2 Comments on ‘Free people with free minds’: At RNC, Democrat Vernon Jones says more black voters ready to back Trump

  1. Such an powerful speech. One of the best from last night.
    So Vernon, when are you going to leave the Democrat party and join us on the Trump train Republican’s?


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