Nikki Haley: ‘Democrats are still blaming America first. Donald Trump has always put America first’ – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley: ‘Democrats are still blaming America first. Donald Trump has always put America first’

JustTheNews: Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said at the Republican National Convention that the Democratic Party is still blaming America while President Trump is putting America first.

Haley cited former U.N. Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick saying that “Democrats always blame America first” during her speech at the 1984 GOP convention when Ronald Reagan was president.

“Joe Biden and the Democrats are still blaming America first,” Haley said on Monday evening, the opening night of the four-day convention. “Donald Trump has always put America first and he has earned four more years as president.”

Haley said the U.N. is a “place where dictators, murderers and thieves denounce America and then put their hands out and demand that we pay their bills.” 

“President Trump put an end to all that,” she said. “Obama and Biden let North Korea threaten America. President Trump rejected that weakness and we passed the toughest sanctions on North Korea in history.” more here

15 Comments on Nikki Haley: ‘Democrats are still blaming America first. Donald Trump has always put America first’

  1. President Trump not only is hip to Alinsky and Sun-Tzu but the Godfather as well. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

    Which he did by bringing her into his administration. She is wickedly ambitious and bet your ass, she runs in 2024.

    I don’t trust her.

  2. Trump can forgive this monster but couldn’t forgive Jeff Sessions, I still find that depressing, say what you will about him as A.G. But he was a great senator on immigration.

  3. Nikki’s in it for Nikki. She’s establishment through and through. She fails to recognize the RINO Party is no longer. It’s Trump’s Republican Party and no matter how may Flakes, Lincoln Projects, McConnell’s/Rubio’s/Graham’s/Romney’s they put forth, that flavor of “conservatism” ain’t coming back.

  4. Hillezelbub just admitted the plan is to sow enough chaos and cheat enough to throw the election over to the DNC lawyer army and John Robert’s so that bastard can shiv us in the back yet again.

    In the interim the government will be run by Nazinan..

    The margin better be so precipitous that they cannot contest it in the courts while tying up the electoral college.

    She told Pedo Joe not to concede under any circumstances, so its pretty clear what they intend to do.

  5. SC never really forgave Mark Sanford for his lies and infidelity and the whispers of Haley’s own dalliances are still brought up. That and her capitulation on the flag issue is gonna make for some rough roads for her in SC if she throws her whatever in the ring in 2024.

  6. “When I was a child of color I was discriminated against”
    “When I was governor I… ”
    “When I was US Ambassador I … ”
    “When I …. II … ”

    had enough of this under O’Biden Bama

  7. Ronna McDaniel had a good speech and she slapped biden and the *Indian lotus in the face with it. She said Trump picked her, not because she’s a woman, but because she was the right person for the job.

    *kamala means lotus, as I was made to learn. *eye roll*

  8. That’s alright Nikki, I still blame YOU for letting all this BLM bullshit get started when you pissed on not just Southerners but ALL Americans when you allowed them to take the STARS AND BARS down from YOUR State House!

    You can KISS MY ASS! Go back to India bitch!

    As Dennis Miller would say…”Of course that’s my opinion I might be wrong!”

  9. Isn’t her speak an example of “owning the libs?” I thought Nikki was all against trying to “own the libs? What happened to her principle of trying to reason with the left instead of infuriate it?

    The internal polls must be indicating a real anger building among the majority in the nation for Nikki to take a swing at the other side. To the point of political survival to disavow past squishy statements of appeasement.


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