Maximo Alvarez Offers Powerful Testimony On Joe Biden: ‘I Have Seen People Like This Before’ – IOTW Report

Maximo Alvarez Offers Powerful Testimony On Joe Biden: ‘I Have Seen People Like This Before’

The Federalist: Maximo Alvarez, a successful American businessman who fled the communist regime of Cuba’s Fidel Castro, offered a powerful testimony Monday in support of President Donald Trump. Alvarez warned Americans of the alternative presented by the Democrats nomination of the most progressive ticket in recent memory.

“I’m speaking to you today because I’ve seen people like this before,” Alvarez told the convention. “I’ve seen movements like this before. I’ve seen ideas like this before and I’m here to tell you, we cannot let them take over our country.”

Throughout the seven-minute speech delivered on the first night of the Republican National Convention, Alvarez shared his family’s story fleeing the oppressive regime just 100 miles off Florida’s coast.

“I’ve heard the promises of Fidel Castro, and I cannot forget those who grew up around me, who looked like me, who suffered, and starved, and died because they believed those empty promises. They swallowed the communist poison pill,” he said. WATCH

7 Comments on Maximo Alvarez Offers Powerful Testimony On Joe Biden: ‘I Have Seen People Like This Before’

  1. …only the willfully ignorant can’t see Communism’s TRUE form, the information’s been out there a very long time for those not so blind they can’t see…’s it simplified into a easy to understand, but deadly accurate, cartoon from 6 full decades ago for the slow kids in the back…

  2. This will be somewhat difficult to articulate and I’m not in the mood just at the moment to write a thesis on the subject so I’ll try to topline my thoughts having to do with why some people cannot face the truth of socialism/communism:

    1. Look at the main difference between a conservative and what we call an American Leftist (SJW, Activist, BLM, antifa, Democrat,etc, etc, etc.) Conservatives act and think as individuals. They know that the culture of our society begins with each individual, with themselves specifically. We think of sovereignty as springing from personal freedom, rights, and responsibilities. The Left starts with the collective and intentionally ignores the individual. There was an excellent article here yesterday about this; how a Democrat doner in L.A. can lure homeless black men to his apartment and murder them, but is given a pass because it doesn’t matter what crimes he commits if his contributions further the Left’s narrative.

    2. I think a very strong case could be made that the Left is comprised of people who, because of their particular neuroses and psychoses, we would think of as “broken” or “damaged” psychologically. These are people who have experienced some sort of trauma growing up — or who were terribly indulged — whose nature is to blame others for everything. They are at odds with those they see as successful or happy.

    3. It’s not enough that cannot reconcile their own behavioral problems (which they cannot “see”). They must “normalize” these problems in an effort to make them “go away.” One very effective way to do this is to call themself a victim and create an “activist” group who champions their peculiar behavior problem. This goes on to the point at which they convince even otherwise legitimate organizations to fight their battles. This is how we get to “up is down and wrong is right”. This is how we have seemingly large numbers of Americans doubting their own senses about what is normal and making allowances for abnormality at the rik of being called a “hater.” And this is why normal people don’t call out the Left’s abnormalities publically.

    4. There is a very strong connection between mental illness and the Left. Maybe even a causative relationship.

    Back in the late ’80s I remember reading “Trances People Live”, a book in one of my psych classes. I was thinking about that book and how it was one of the first to talk about a “shame-based” psychological condiditon.

    I think the Left is filled with the self-loathing they project onto conservatives. They know full well the things they do and say aren’t normal in a well-functioning society, any more than it worked in their own dysfunctioning homes. How many individual, Leftist mothers of young sons would encourage a male friend of the family to pursue “Man/Boy Love”, and yet if you asked her the hyppothetical question at a party with a group of her Leftist friends, she would make a defense for it.

    5. Communism is a great solution for people who never see themselves as part of a society’s problems because they cannot recognize their own, individual problems. They are a collection of broken, very disfunctional people who live in a trance, who cannot face their own personal reality.

    Just look at them as individuals. There’s not a single one who doesn’t have some sort of ravaged backstory or highly-inventive reason which attempts to justify their behavior.


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