Tiffany Trump Full Remarks at 2020 Republican Convention – IOTW Report

Tiffany Trump Full Remarks at 2020 Republican Convention

Tiffany Trump highlights how Make America Great Again is not just a slogan for President Trump and how he has challenged the establishment in his first term.

6 Comments on Tiffany Trump Full Remarks at 2020 Republican Convention

  1. It’s funny, when I first saw last night’s line up I was wondering why they were allowing the Trump kids so much air time, most grown-up kids think their parents rock (I bet even Chelsea Clinton or that wildebeest daughter of Nancy Pelosi think their parents are great) but all the Trump kids are so well-spoken, so eloquent, it was a good move.

    And my favorite Trump kid, Laura, is speaking tonight, outa be good.

  2. Pretty young woman. I’d like to find out how much of it is makeup and big hair, but unfortunately, I never will.

    BTW, Last week, Angelina Jolie’s bare face was on the cover, along with her former husband, of some gossip rag my wife gets. Without the war paint, she is not that hot. Brad Pitt actually looks better than she does.


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