RNC: President Trump Pardons Jon Ponder, a Convicted Bank Robber – IOTW Report

RNC: President Trump Pardons Jon Ponder, a Convicted Bank Robber

Jon Ponder: I am so grateful to be here. Not so long ago, my life was running from the police, fearing the police, and avoiding the police. I had allowed animosity to grow inside of me, making me believe that they were my enemy.

But today, I’m filled with hope. I have been given a second chance. My transformation began in a prison cell. I gave my life to Jesus.

First person to help me was actually the FBI agent who arrested me, Rich Beasley. He is now a dear friend.

My hope for America is that all people regardless of race, color, class or background will take advantage of the fact that we live in a nation of second chances. My greatest failure led to my greatest success. My hope for America is that we can all look at our failures and use them to work together for a future of successes. WATCH

9 Comments on RNC: President Trump Pardons Jon Ponder, a Convicted Bank Robber

  1. What he says is true. We have second, third, fourth chances…there is no limit until a death row inmate is actually put to death.

    What we have in the US is a very forgiving society.

  2. In one night in 2001 I nearly threw a 22+ year career and my life away. The string of “second chances” bestowed on me during the next year made me very aware of the concept of “grace.”
    I am forever grateful.


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