Wine isn’t diverse enough – IOTW Report

Wine isn’t diverse enough

FrontPageMag: In the Black Lives Matter era, everything is too problematically white, including white wine.

As every single industry from cereal to dental supplies engages in its own ritual reckoning with a country so systemically racist that every part of its system is hysterically confessing to racism the way teenage girls in Salem confessed to witchcraft, the hangover is hitting wine country.

The whining about the whiteness of wine is overflowing at every high end publication.

“Too White Wine,” moaned the Financial Times.

The column by Jancis Robison, who received an Order of the British Empire for writing about wine, began by tweeting her, “shame at the lack of ethnic diversity in the world of wine.” more

24 Comments on Wine isn’t diverse enough

  1. …if this means we can now force Newsome’s CA winery that his caprecious orders left open when he shut everyoen ELSE’S down out of business, then I’m all for it, AS LONG AS Newsome DOESN’T get paid by the Gummint for it…

  2. TRF AUGUST 28, 2020 AT 9:46 AM
    “SNS – and then there’s Prestone…”

    …my second job is in an antifreeze plant, and believe me, the glycol smells BETTER…

  3. What she wants is for wineries to be owned by a perfectly representative cross-section of races and genders. So, if 13.5% of people are Black, then 13.5% of wineries should be Black-owned and 13.5% of winery employees should be Black across the board.

    By this logic, 70% of NBA players should be white.

  4. Uh oh, now what are they going to do about – baseball, basketball, & football? All games created by, (whispered), white people.

    Oh I see what they’re doing. They’re returning to an ancient traditional African game. Capturing other black people, and selling them into slavery. Slavery to other black people or slavery to white people. No race prejudice to who they’re sold to. Only a strong preference they be gifted to the democrat party.

  5. So? Don’t like it? Start your own winery (not wHinery), make your own wine (not wHine). Not that difficult. Squish some grapes, collect the juice, let it ferment, voila! wine! And you can make it aaaaaaaany color you want.

    (all of the above said with tongue firmly planted in both cheeks, with a hint…, a dash……hell, a GALLON…..of sarcasm)

  6. I just listened to the Spark’s song, “White Women”. Recorded in the 70’s it was a catchy tune that praises the look and sashay of white women. Cant imagine that song being played on the radio today

  7. “In the two months since the June George Floyd protests, some Black winemakers have called out the racism in their industry,” Mother Jones exclaimed.

    If there are black winemakers in the industry, where is the racism?

    It seems to be mostly leftist women on the front lines of insanity like this.

  8. @TimBuktu

    You could fix that problem by placing grapes on the NBA courts and letting all the black ballplayers trod them into wine while dribbling hither and yon all over the court!

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