‘NYC is Dead Forever’ author responds to Seinfeld, ‘Don’t know why he attacked me’ – IOTW Report

‘NYC is Dead Forever’ author responds to Seinfeld, ‘Don’t know why he attacked me’

Entrepreneur and writer James Altucher argues New York City can’t survive when every business is closing and citizens are leaving.

26 Comments on ‘NYC is Dead Forever’ author responds to Seinfeld, ‘Don’t know why he attacked me’

  1. Pffft. All Ya got to do is get Giuliani to run for governor and any one of Trumps Kids to run for mayor of NYC. If elected the place could be cleaned up and running again in a few years. lol


  2. Gin Blossom: The rats are moving to upstate NY, one just bought the house next door to me in Columbia Co. I hope/pray they’re somewhat normal, so I don’t have to move away.

  3. My birthplace was a quiet town of about 25-30K. A few main employers and a lot of little shops and services.

    Then it was “discovered” by people who were fleeing the nice places they’d destroyed.

    Here’s what happens:

    1. They move in.
    2. They buy all the waterfront property and put up signs telling you not to trespass on the public beach in front of their house.
    3. They plant non-native trees that block all the views except their’s.
    4. Or they add two additional stories to their house and block your views (and the sun that used to shine on your yard and patio).
    5. They run for local office in order to make the rules.
    6. They start putting dumb signs in their yards for every kind of “social justice” cause. Sign blight.
    7. They start in with the petitions banning plastic bags, straws, plastic take-out containers, and $15 minimum wage.
    8. they do really stupid things like not allow the clowns in a parade to toss candy to the children because they think it’s litter.
    8. They turn your place into what they just fled.
    9. The end.

    Epilogue: they move to the next attractive town and do it all over again.

    It’s a mental illness born of a big, unfillable hole in their souls. And it’s born of being scared to death of everything. And it’s a terrible kind of selfishness.

  4. Abigail – then they go all “NIMBY” and advocate that zoning be changed so no one else can do what they did, especially after they bribed the inspector to get their variance. NOT IN MY BACK YARD!

  5. Sept 2015 in the Atlantic, an article indicated that Jerry Seinfeld was very concerned that comedy was being censored on college campuses. Obviously a freedom of speech issue.

    Here we are now where big shot “Airplane Food” & “Who Are these People” unfunny comic is attacking this little pecker head (most likely another leftist IDK) about his opinion.

    New York will come back. They will find a way to Fuck the rest of America out of their wealth ONE MORE TIME by skimming & taking percentages of people who perform real jobs.

    They will find ways to create bureaucracies to administer to GREEN BULLSHIT Plans and create wonderful schemes & Carbon Credit Exchanges to enrich themselves in ways HONEST people never would have imagined.

    Think: Al Gore

  6. @ AbigailAdams

    That is what Toronto has done to the rest of Ontario.

    You detailed it very clearly and perfectly. Thank You.

  7. There were rumors Don Jr. might run for mayor.

    Giuliani wrote the book on lowering crime and dealing with riots. A sane mayor can fix things. And the next election is 2021.

    It look like the socialists are gaining, and if they win then NYC will really be gone.

  8. The dem mayors tyrannical policies made it a surety that the cities would be destroyed. When they enacted these edicts, it filled me with rage and i wanted it to stop because it’s destroying people’s lives. I wanted it to stop ‘right then’.

    But God’s justice doesn’t always happen ‘right now’. But that it will happen is a certainty. And that certainty is finally coming to fruition. Those cities are absolute hellholes and everyone with a brain wants out. The cities are imploding.

    But, unfortunately, we’ll be on to the next outrage. And that is the federal gov’t using tax dollars (ours) or the federal reserve using newly created fiat currency, (debasing what is in our bank accounts) to bail them out. That will happen and it is assured. That is the next outrage. When trump announced no federal dollars for minneapolis, it was only TWO days later the federal reserve announced they were making their loans to city more ‘generous’.

    God will take care of this stuff and these people eventually, so be patient.

  9. Atlanta is one of the top destinations for New Yorker’s to relocate. These @#$%s do not know how to drive and are very rude. They are doing their best to turn GA into the same shithole they fled from.

  10. Tsquared — Now is the time to get really involved in your local conservative groups, whether that’s the GOP party or Trump goups. Now and not later, when it’s more convenient. Otherwise, you can kiss Atlanta good-bye. They did it to Austin, they’ll do it in Atlanta.

    These people are looking for Utopia. It’s what they do. They find places that kinda look like Utopia, but they’re never satisfied and they simply cannot comprehend that what they do once they get there (to places like Atlanta) is exactly what turned their former towns into crap.

    A very good friend of mine lives out in the middle of nowhere in southwest Washington state. But the people from Portland are starting to buy up the property and have just bought out all the land surrounding one of the smaller lakes in her area which used to be just a community fishing lake surrounded by cow pastures and pretty trees. The community is so small they have no local government, but I told her they better get on the stick and make one or they’re hosed, because those nomads will surely create one of their own and then start regulating all the landowners out of existence.

  11. NY is toast for another 2 generations: MINIMUM. And that’s IF another Rudy Giuliani surfaces to run as mayor.

    We’re in the same position nationally. If PDTJ wins in November, who will be able to fill his shoes for 2024??

  12. Terminally infected with democrats, NYC will never recover. Democrats already know everything, cannot be taught anything. Democrats do not have have desirable values. Most will leave only to fuck up their new destinations. They do not have the mental capacity to figure out what they’ve done wrong. Those who stay will double down on stupid. On the way out of town they’d still vote for Cuomo and DeBlasio. NYC will never recover. Detroilet on the Hudson.

  13. NYC is a rat-warren.
    Has been since before it was called New Amsterdam.
    Crime, political corruption, gangs, rape, robbery, burglary, murder, depravity – these are, and have been, its signposts.
    Smith said: “there is a great deal of ruin in a nation” and that is true for a city of millions, as well.
    The Sullivan Laws were passed to protect the Mayor’s thugs!

    Don’t weep for NYC. If ya gotta weep – weep for America which has to absorb the fleeing, diseased rats.

    izlamo delenda est …


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