New York City judge punched in the jaw by bicyclist while on her way to work – IOTW Report

New York City judge punched in the jaw by bicyclist while on her way to work


In broad daylight, a Bill de Blasio-appointed judge was “cold-cocked” in an apparently random attack on her way to work in downtown Manhattan on Monday, August 31.

Judge Phyllis Chu, 56, had just stepped off the Staten Island Ferry at about 9:40 a.m. and was heading to the courthouse when a passerby on a bicycle punched her in the jaw.

“With no words exchanged, a bicyclist riding in the opposite direction as the one she was walking in just punched her in the face and kept going,’’ a spokesman for the court system said.

The judge alerted cops who searched the area for the assailant but never located a suspect, who is described as being heavyset and wearing a blue and green shirt and riding a Citi Bike.

“The individual who may have been emotionally disturbed was nowhere to be found,’” the court rep added. An investigation into the Judge Chu assault incident is ongoing. more

38 Comments on New York City judge punched in the jaw by bicyclist while on her way to work

  1. How many times a day does this happen to normal people with no fancy title where after being reported are told the cops are not coming, only a minor assault with no “ongoing investigation” whatsoever?

  2. Rich Taylor, what if the puncher had testified in the good judge’s court against a crook who he witnessed stealing his car and wrecking it two blocks away? And the nice judge let the perp off with probation, leaving the puncher with only a bicycle to get around?

    I try to make up scenarios like that to explain seemingly thuggish, idiotic behavior on the road. It helps me keep my blood pressure down.

  3. Umm……

    Asian, Black, Hispanic, or White… “…..but never located a suspect, who is described as being heavyset and wearing a blue and green shirt and riding a Citi Bike…..”

    Never mind… mention of race…..we know he’s Amish.

  4. Thirdtwin, yes it would be rather delicious if she was a criminal judge who had no stomach for real justice and allowed her misplaced leftist sympathies to sway her sentencing. Regardless, hit and running an elderly woman with a sucker punch deserves a severe ass-kicking in return.

  5. judgeroybean
    SEPTEMBER 2, 2020 AT 2:17 PM
    “Gonna take about 4 more thumpins, 3 surgeries, 2 months of sick leave, and 1 armed robbery before she turns against the democrat criminals she feels sorry for.”

    …probably not even then. We have a shyster disbarred lawyer and his Federal Judge wife wh set the mold for this when they kept freeing Occupy Wall Streeters when they were literally shittiing in CPD cars, that got beaten and robbed in their East Side mansion by a pack of dindus, and THEY haven’t changed their stripes, and probably never WILL…

  6. The judge had a bit of good luck. The last similar event news report I recall hearing a man was bashed in the back of the head with a brick. And knocked out. I don’t know anything about Judge Chu, beyond her being a de Blasio-appointed judge. Even if I despise the rulings she hands down. This kind of attack should not be tolerated.

    With all the video cameras around now days it shouldn’t be difficult to find the attacker, unless the investigators really aren’t motivated to find, and arrest him.

  7. …as for THIS judge, well…

    “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
    Galatians 6:7

    …or “she”, as the case may be…

  8. …funny thing about the “color” thing, though. When I took A.L.I.C.E. training with my current employer, one of our instructors was a S.W.A.T with the local PD and had been involved in a newsworthy event at a strip mall not far from where we were taking the training where a Black man shot another Black man over a girl, then decamped to Florida, but the Police didn’t know about all that at the time. The instructor in question was a very obviously Hispanic looking fellow, an he paused in the middle of his narrative about it to ask the class, “You are all looking at me. How would you describe me to the Police if I were a bad guy?” Everyone looked at everyone else, then came up with “Male” and “about 5’10″” and “Dark Hair”, but NO ONE stated the obvious, “Hispanic”. He clearly expected this and supplied it himself, then said EVERYONE hesitates on this any more (and this was way back in ’19, when cops were still good and it wasn’t a total sin to say “Black”.)

    He then took us back to the incident in question, where he went in full battle rattle including a helmet with face shield so he was kind of hard to see, and he said among the fleeing people in the very fluid situation was a man that wasn’t fleeing and obviously wanted to talk to him. He went to the man with some urgency, what with the running folks and peeling tires and sirens and not knowing where the shooter was or what even to look for, and found this man did indeed witness the shooter. He said the man told him how tall he was, what clothes he was wearing, what car he was driving, which direction he went in, and even what color the GUN was, but never said the man’s RACE. Our officer said he urgently prompted him, and that the White man he was talking to actually signalled him, in full helment and everything, to put his ear close, then WHISPERED “He was Black”.

    Again, our officer chastised the group and said they NEED that li’l detail, and to NEVER hestiate over it when reporting a crime.

    Then all THIS shit happened.

    …you’ll never get a BOLO or a news report that says Black suspect ever AGAIN at this rate, but I’m sure that GUN color will be really, really helpful when someone unexpectedly levels it at the officer later…

  9. Kcir – (Trudeau, prime minister blackface 3 times)
    SEPTEMBER 2, 2020 AT 4:05 PM
    “Hopefully, Cumhole & DeBallsack catch one in the face too.”

    …won’t stop ’em even if so since they only talk out of their asses anyway…

  10. Notice how they never mention the race of the hero who punched her in the face?

    Anyone else remember the “knockout game” that blacks play to this day?

    Anyone remember how after zimmerman put down that loser they created a new category of humans known as “white hispanics”?

    Well, this “judge” must be mixed as well and look “too white” so now we MUST create a category for her to explain away this unprovoked attack: “white asians” so that the black guy who did this can feel good about himself for holding up the ethics of BLM.

    way to go kunta-kintay….you win todays I don’t give a fuck award and the “judge” gets to feel good that her white privilage got scaled back a notch or two!!!!


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