Thanks To Wuhan19 Panic, 1 In 10 American Families Is Now Home-Schooling – IOTW Report

Thanks To Wuhan19 Panic, 1 In 10 American Families Is Now Home-Schooling

Federalist; Gallup released the results of a new poll on K-12 education last week, reflecting the post-COVID-19 landscape. Entitled “K-12 Parents’ Satisfaction with Child’s Education Slips,” the summary buried the lede in the bullet points: “[P]ercentage of K-12 parents homeschooling this year has doubled, to 10%.” You read that right. Gallup’s data suggests that, since last year, the home-school community in America has doubled in size. One in every 10 families with school-age children is now home-schooling.

The poll was careful not to conflate remote public-school instruction with true home-schooling. “Will your oldest child attend public, private, parochial, charter school — either in person or remotely — or will they home-school this year?” Gallup asked. “By ‘home-school,’ we mean not enrolled in a formal school, but taught at home.”

The effect of the Wuhan virus crisis is obvious in the responses: Parents reported declining participation in every institutional school option, with the exception of “charter school.” Still, the decline of “public school” was the most notable, falling from 83 percent to 76 percent. more

10 Comments on Thanks To Wuhan19 Panic, 1 In 10 American Families Is Now Home-Schooling

  1. With fewer participants in public schools, fewer cafeteria meals served, fewer bus rides and the less diesel required to fuel those buses, we should expect our property taxes to lower in 3…2…1…NEVER.

    It’s no longer about THE CHILDREN.

    This is fraud, plain and simple.

  2. my oldest grandkid was supposed to start kindergarten this year. county was virtual only. daughter gave a big middle finger and is homeschooling during hours she doesn’t have to be a work. three weeks into the “school year” and grandkid is three weeks ahead of the posted curriculum


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