Swedish authorities send children to foster care after parents nailed door shut to stop Wuhan-19 – IOTW Report

Swedish authorities send children to foster care after parents nailed door shut to stop Wuhan-19

Wa Examiner: Three children in Sweden were sent to foster care after their parents took radical measures in an effort to protect them from the coronavirus.

The court ruled that the parents’ “psychological ill health and fear for COVID-19 had led to serious failings in the care for their children.”

The parents withdrew their three children from school in March as the coronavirus pandemic took hold in Europe. The children were isolated in separate rooms, and wooden planks were nailed over the front door of the family’s apartment in an effort to keep COVID-19 out of the home. more

SNIP: Everyone in this story, including China, the media, WHO, (except for the kids) should be beaten with alcohol-soaked rags.

8 Comments on Swedish authorities send children to foster care after parents nailed door shut to stop Wuhan-19

  1. bill gates using kids as test subjects for his vaccine. On Zerohedge. . . .the World Health Organization (WHO) will regular boast about supposedly ‘eradicating polio’ with vaccines, the opposite seems to be the case. Their decades-long campaign to eradicate polio is now killing scores of innocent young people living in poor countries https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/un-forced-admit-gates-funded-vaccine-causing-polio-outbreak-africa

    Still trust government ? ? ? . . . its like those kids are guinea pigs or something. . .

  2. When you read the linked article you find that the parents were from Vietnam, did not speak Swedish, and apparently the grubbermint could find nobody to translate so they took their children away from them and the worst part IMHO is that the courts were involved and did NOTHING to provide for a translator to explain to the parents right from wrong in that country.

    Oh well….
    Just like I have always said when running into an illegal alien here in the states that uses the old “no-compredi” and expects everyone to learn THEIR language, it is Y-O-U-R fault for NOT learning the language of the country you are invading so sorry sunshine, you lose your kids through your own stupidity and fear.

  3. When a people are wracked by irrational fear, they will do irrational things.

    Gov’ts and media inflated the fears of the Wuhan Flu way out of proportion to its deleterious effects. Gov’ts and media should be held responsible for the insanity that they stirred. If the Wuhan Flu had been treated for what it is – another Corona Virus-Based Seasonal Flu – all this bullshit would have been avoided.
    Instead, we allowed the Chinese Communists and their fellow travelers inflicting Western Civilization (WHO, Media, Demonrat, Progressive, Socialist, &c.) to excite a panic in order to destroy us economically.

    That we failed to recognize the threat speaks volumes.
    That we failed to act (against the Chinese and their paid stooges), does too.

    izlamo delenda est …


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