Low Key = “Optics so bad, we pretend it was intentional” – IOTW Report

Low Key = “Optics so bad, we pretend it was intentional”

Patriot Retort – When President Trump traveled to Kenosha earlier this week, crowds of cheering supporters lined the motorcade route. But yesterday’s Biden trip was a bit different. In fact, one could even say it was low key.

But for the sycophantic press that follows old Joe like groupies, precious few Kenosha residents bothered to even notice he was there.  The optics of this just 60 days before the election are, to put it mildly, really bad.

18 Comments on Low Key = “Optics so bad, we pretend it was intentional”

  1. I think bite me biden should embrace his creepy side and should continue his groping of women and small children in public because it is the only thing that generates “excitement” about him and just because it is not popular or friendly “excitement” it matters not in the least because the media will spin it into gold quicker than repunzel can grow back her golden locks.

    This demented old pedophile and sexual predator of the worst sort will get his due when his master satan calls him home and just like McStain I am sure there is a special place in hell reserved for him when he gets there.

    it can’t happen soon enough IMHO.

  2. If we were expecting an ACTUAL election, this might be important.
    Obola’s 2nd term was based on vote fraud and the fraud this time would make Stalin blush – they’ve learned much since their defeat in ’16.

    Anonymous is partially correct – except that the zombies won’t be dropping their ballots into the mail – the Party will vote for them – no sentient human being could possibly be dumb enough to vote for Joey – even amoebas know better.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It makes no difference what happens election day; the forecast is continued violence leading to outright war and the end of the Union. The geography and political nature of the new political entities are the remaining question.

  4. Amen cslamer…My thoughts exactly what the Demonrats are experiencing is revulsion of their rapidly disintegrating candidate.

    You can take the absolutely unmitigated evil that is the Demonrat party and see it exemplified in this child groper and his half black prostitute.

    Or look into the black eyes of Nazi P. These soulless bastards just radiate evil. That is why Hillezibub was so off putting, you could actually smell the sulfur emanating from her satanic soul.

    Same with Mad Maxine, Nadless, Schitty Schiff and Skeletor Schumer.

    If your heart does not belong to Lucifer your scale free eyes can see the truth. Unfortunately Satan owns over half our beloved country and all of our government, culture, media, entertainment, corporations, and educational establishment.

    If not for the wisdom of our founders we would have been lost 50 years ago. The global cabal was formed during the industrial revolution and power over the earth was gifted by Satan to a few choice 1% of the 1%.

    What we are seeing now is one final attempt for America to vomit out the sickness of Satan and seek our last redemption before the end times.

  5. @Cisco

    Speaking of Schumer, he has been running an internet advert shilling for money for the dumpocrap party. He opens the sales pitch by saying: “Hey you, yeah I’m talking to you…blah blah”.

    That is no way to talk to the American people if you expect them to buy what you’re selling. I’ve noticed they have now edited out some of that beginning – must have gotten a lot of complaints.

    It really is the dumbest sales pitch I’ve ever seen.

  6. What does nominating Dementia Joe and Kalamity Harris say about the attitude of the Dementiacrat-Socialists-Reparations-Homosexualists-Free Stuffers Party towards the American voters? Contempt for the intelligence of the Plantation Dwellers and all those poorly educated, brainwashed younger voters. Scorn for the women who want all accusers except Tara Reade to be believed. Distain for anyone who believes that the U.S. Constitution should apply to all of the citizens living in this country. The Dementiacrats believe that it doesn’t matter that their Nominee for President is mentally incompetent, in fact it’s an asset, because Dementia Joe won’t oppose any of their plans to Fundamentally Destroy this country.


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