The Elderly Are Hardest Hit by the Pandemic. Do People Care? – IOTW Report

The Elderly Are Hardest Hit by the Pandemic. Do People Care?

PJMedia: If you’re elderly and already sick, you are watching developments in the progress of the pandemic very closely. That’s because your chances of dying if you contract COVID-19 are far higher than for someone a few years younger and in good health.

And for many people, that’s just fine.

There are no reliable abortion statistics because the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, doesn’t feel the need to report this politically damaging figure. But in 2017, there were more than 600,00 abortions reported to the CDC. Is it any wonder that some people are willing to toss the elderly in the same scrap heap as aborted babies?

A society that’s so callous as to allow the mass slaughter of children thinks nothing of leaving old people to die during a pandemic. That “slippery slope” that churchmen and philosophers have been warning about since 1973 is now beyond stopping and where it will end no one knows. more here

21 Comments on The Elderly Are Hardest Hit by the Pandemic. Do People Care?

  1. I’ve listened to a couple of presentations and interviews with Dr. Scott Atlas, the newest addition to the Trump Coronavirus Response Team at the WH. His background and approach to protecting the elderly, especially in nursing homes is based on hard data. It’s a common sense solution that keeps people safe without locking down the entire country and people who are not at a high risk; many not at any risk. Yes, he states that children are at zero risk.

    He’s also emphatically stated that the guidelines and edicts being made by Fauci, governors and mayors are “to this day” based on the misleading information from the WHO and the highly speculative data cobbled together in the first few weeks of Covid making its appearance in the U.S. and based on the misinformation and the absence of information out of China. Much or indeed all of it has been proven false or has changed.

  2. Pretty much all my patients in facilities ON HOSPICE WITH MULTIPLE COMORBIDITIES will tell you, they could give 2 shits if they contract The Rona. They miss their kids and grandkids.

    I have one who is 102 years old. She said “I’m not afraid of dying. I’m afraid of dying alone which is exactly what I am doing.”

  3. Hoo Hoo Nay Nay — That is such an important point. A woman I know travelled a long distance to meet with her family so they could all celebrate her mother’s 90-something birthday. Her mom is in a nursing home and they wouldn’t let the family even meet her mother out in an open courtyard to get hugs or to see children because the nursing facility couldn’t on the liability of the other patients getting the disease. When all one has left in the world is the love and warmth of one’s family, it is all too sad to think of these people being denied even that.

  4. Kill the elderly, yamean those folks not paying into government anymore and getting bennys & using precious medical facilities(that they worked their whole lives for but that’s beside the point, right?)


    Hey if you think that’s too much, these same scum allowed their cities & states to burn and still are on lock downs because Orange Man Bad.

  5. Sorry, but the damage being done to children will unfold for decades beyond what they have already suffered.

    Respectfully, the Elderly, grew up much harder, accomplished more, and many of them started life without air conditioning, indoor plumbing and government imbeciles interfering in their lives. It is still easier for many of them today than in post WW2 rural life.

    My 82 year old Mother-in-law is doing much better that my Sister-in-Law who is 59.

    @hoo hoo nay nay

    Well said. My dad is taking my son golfing today. He worked construction his whole life and didn’t bust his ass to have the government squander the futures of our kids saddled with debt.

  6. Hate to say it, but peeps don’t gice a poop about anything or anyone anymore except people who believe in the sanctity of life, especially if money or power is involved for them.

    Kinda feel like we need to start bartering with God the way Abraham did, for S&G, and hope we don’t look back like Lot’s wife.

  7. Horrible topic.
    Take a second and realize that most of the people associated with the numerous nursing home deaths are socialists, or support moving in that direction. Especially for health care.
    This is how they care for our most vulnerable. And those people are our heritage- to be cherished and loved.
    I don’t know exactly how socialism is supposed to work, but I’ll have none of that.
    There have been inhumane crimes committed, and all in the efforts to clean up state’s Medicare financial ledgers. Those responsible must be held accountable.

  8. “Pretty much all my patients in facilities ON HOSPICE WITH MULTIPLE COMORBIDITIES will tell you, they could give 2 shits if they contract The Rona. They miss their kids and grandkids.”

    Going through this right now with my mother in law. She’s 96, was in a retirement community and things are deteriorating. So now she’s in the hospital and her feelings are more than hurt that no one would visit her for the last 3 or 4 months. Well we couldn’t. But at her age I don’t think she’s really getting the picture. And she’s scared shitless ANTIFA will raid the place. We’ve created a pretty shitty environment for our elderly.

  9. Ya know, our kids trickle in about every other week, except for Daughter Dearest who lives 6 hours away, but comes whenever possible. If it wasn’t for the hugs and laughs they bring with them and especially the grandkids, I would have just DH to live for, and to vote for PT in 2020 and 🙂 2024. i’m not scared of dying. I am scared of the Marxists. Like so any cancer patients, I’ve been in purgatory for 9 months now, and ravaged by Karens so the only place I can go is to a couple of restaurants and to cancer doctor appointments. Still can’t find an eye doctor who doesn’t coerce mask wearing. Can’t even go to Mass without mask.

  10. The only people who don’t give a rats ass about the elderly is the Commie Pinko Dem’s.

    Thoughts and Prayers to all of you who care for family at home, or know and have family members and friends who are in assisted living. I hear stories like this all the time and break’s the ❤️ heart. 🕊️🙏

  11. “I don’t know exactly how socialism is supposed to work, but I’ll have none of that.”

    Been through it a few times (Europe) Socialized meds killed my grandmother (early 90s). They couldn’t spare the insulin, so she was only given one dose 1 time per week. Could you imagine???
    Well, we should all imagine it because that’s what’s coming under Socialist Biden if he’s elected.

    Most of Europe is watered-down communist right now.

  12. @Bad Brad, I hear ya. My aunt died in February at 101, right before the moratorium on visiting nursing homes. Her daughter and I thanked God for her passing so she didn’t have to love through the useless hell of not seeing the grandkids and great grandkids, anf thinking no one cared about her.

    I believe this is Part of the devil’s plan to try to bring despair to the elderly. Prayers Love for all those living in or near despair.

  13. I am an OLD PEOPLE and HIGH RISK underlying health issues at that. But I’ll be damned if I’m gonna live my life in fear. When I go to the store or anywhere else that “requires a mask” I always have one in my pocket just so the nervous little old ladies won’t have a fit!

    I’m not scared of dying
    And I don’t really care
    If it’s peace you find in dying
    Well, then let the time be near

    I can swear there ain’t no heaven but I pray there ain’t no hell



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