‘We Are Democrats.’ – IOTW Report

‘We Are Democrats.’

h/t Barr Kay-Lounger.

11 Comments on ‘We Are Democrats.’

  1. Through the legislative action they have shown the only ones they are concerned with are themselves and how to feather their nests at public expense, Jack ass is another word for fooking’ theif.

  2. Ah, but Democrats today will say that the parties switched sometime between then and now — utter bullshit that only a moron could conceive and believe, but that will still be the response. The only switch was that Democrats switched from exploiting blacks for their labor to exploiting them at the ballot box.

  3. I have said for three decades that if you want to know the progressive movement Just go back and read their own contemporary periodical literature. It is all right there. It works for the present too. Just take them at their word, they will tell you what they are if you ignore the times they are trying to sell you a bill of goods.

  4. It began in the late 20’s and 30’s when the “Negro colleges” were enticed away from Republican ethics by the lure of democrat cash and support (which was a lie covered in a promise that was wrapped in shite).


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