Video resurfaces of Biden saying he asked China for help becoming president – IOTW Report

Video resurfaces of Biden saying he asked China for help becoming president

American Thinker:

There is far more evidence that China is interfering in our election to put Joe Biden in the White House than there ever was that Russia was backing Donald Trump in 2016 (or is backing him now). Properly handled, that evidence against Biden (and his allies in bed with China) should help re-elect Trump

During the 2016 campaign, candidate Trump made a joke about asking Russia for help in finding Hillary Clinton’s deleted (and bleach-bitted) emails from her private server, and that was taken as evidence for launching an FBI investigation and subsequent special counsel probe on non-existent “collusion” with Russia. Yet back in 2013, Joe Biden, whose son was hauled around on Air Force Two to help him make lucrative deals with foreign powers including China, openly “joked” about asking Beijing for help becoming president, and we are only hearing of it this weekend: MORE

11 Comments on Video resurfaces of Biden saying he asked China for help becoming president

  1. Do we really need any MORE evidence?

    This isn’t really an election anymore: it’s a plebiscite. If Trump loses, we have to go to war to save our freedom. That scummy rat Kamala Harris will be the president, and she will be sucking on George Soro’s dick to our destruction.

  2. Barr has turned out to be even more useless than “reefer-madness” sessions because at least sessions can point to his accomplishment of locking in the civil forfeiture scams nationwide.

    All Barr can point to is his never ending “investigations” which is swamp-speak for “nothing will ever get done by me or my completely corrupted and 100% anti-american infiltrated department”.

  3. The only way to get a notable shift in the out of control behavior of the democrats is for them to actually feel the full weight of the law applied against them.
    Barr is a weakling and probably too entwined with the people he’s supposed to be punishing to do us any good.
    Because of this weak response while there was still a chance of getting a handle on things there is little hope of it stopping.
    There’s a reason people are getting armed up, everybody knows whats coming.

  4. “There’s far more evidence China is interfering in our election”

    Of course there is. The democrat’s most overly used tool is misdirection. The Chinese want to see this country brought to it’s knees and the democrats are eager to help.

  5. Most days I think Joe doesn’t know what his rice bowl is for. Is it for rice or is it a hat? Or both?
    He seems to think Thomas Edison was a black guy, too. Joe is confused about a lot of things. Asking China for help to become elected though is way over the line. I’m sure the MSM will be rushing into double super secret silence about it.

  6. this election is a joke just like the last one….

    Trump won the last election but the opposition never let him govern. The opposition even included members of the republican party.

    even if DJT wins the next one in a landslide, we have all heard the opposition say they will do everything in their power to keep him from taking his rightful place as potus.

    when will we start believing the people who say they want to destroy the united states actually want to destroy the united states?

    these people will not go quietly into the night, not ever.

    there is no living with the opposition because they don’t want to live with you.

    it is better to acknowledge it and get it over with, than to keep letting this drag on and on.

    Are we ever going to agree with these rioters and looters, blm or antifa ??

    they will not except opposing points of view.
    they will not live and let live.

    how much longer are we going to ignore what is right in front of our faces?

    if we truly want peace then we need to secure victory first.

    to secure victory we need to fight and win the fight.

    remember all is fair in love and war…..

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