BLMarxist Protestors get arrested after Blocking Freeway – IOTW Report

BLMarxist Protestors get arrested after Blocking Freeway

The Hodge Twins supply the deets.

15 Comments on BLMarxist Protestors get arrested after Blocking Freeway

  1. Hey, kids, you’re not in Seattle any more! The surprising thing is those were Inslee’s state troupers. I wonder if there’s a bit of a rift between The Dim Bulb and the Washington State Patrol?

  2. BLM is the injustice.

    They think they can declare themselves judge, jury, and executioner. They throw out the very idea of due process of law and declare who they consider guilty of whatever they decide and then they go out to enforce punishment. That’s all they stand for. They are the very definition of tyranny and injustice

  3. Yesterday, SPD blasted “ Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” 😂 at a planned “peaceful” protest in Seattle and just as the black blocheads started chucking rocks and Molotov cocktails at them the SPD rushed in, made arrests and shut it down within minutes.

    Wonder what’s changed? Chief Best is gone. Was it her leadership or is it the polls?

  4. Seattle is where a scumbag martyr for the cause of justice was flattened brutally murdered while throwing a temper tantrum standing up for the oppressed in the middle of the f**king freeway in the town square and these idiots Freedom fighters think that is the place to protest again?

    Funny how one has rights but them.

  5. Golden fox: somewhere I still have a CHP press pass from 1983. I was supposed to turn it in when I left the station I worked at but I didn’t.

    Illustr8r: it’s the polls.

  6. Local ABC affiliate KOMOTV filmed for over a half hour from their helicopter of this senselessness.

    After the car’s passengers were sent to the street just below the freeway off ramp, they regrouped down there to confab with each other and the mouthy woman (“house n******”) and one of the guys continued to yell and scream at the troopers above. One of the guys jumped up on the off ramp rail and made a big to do about filming the whole thing. Pathetic.

    After several minutes of apparent “Plan B” texting, a guy from a nearby apartment house walked over and they all talked for awhile. Then everyone that was left crossed the street and the apartment guy went back to his apartment. The rest of the group walked a little further down the street (I know the area well because it’s the route you take if you’re coming west from 520 and want to bail out before I-5 to get to downtown Seattle) and got into 2-3 cars that were parked on the street. One of the protesters used their own key to open the vehicle, so it must have been there all along.

    All to say, this group seemed to have had their Plan B pretty well established before any of this happened. I am hoping that KOMOTV turned their video over to the WSP, or that WSP demanded it of them.


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