Ka’mala Says She’s ‘Proud of’ Man Accused of Sexual Assault – IOTW Report

Ka’mala Says She’s ‘Proud of’ Man Accused of Sexual Assault

It’s hard to imagine a candidate for vice president of the United States telling a man accused of sexual assault that she is proud of him, but I guess when you’re Kamala Harris and you’re running with Joe Biden, a man credibly accused of sexual assault himself, it’s not hard to believe. After all, Kamala Harris said she believed Biden’s accusers but still chose to run with him.

So, yeah, when Kamala Harris told Jacob Blake she was “proud of him” while campaigning in Wisconsin on Monday, I wasn’t surprised.

Blake, 29, was shot seven times by police last month while reaching into his vehicle after having resisted arrest. At the time of the shooting, there was a warrant out for his arrest for third-degree sexual assault and criminal trespassing. He appeared in court via video-stream last week and plead not guilty to the charges.
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18 Comments on Ka’mala Says She’s ‘Proud of’ Man Accused of Sexual Assault

  1. She is a serpent mouthed Jezebel heralding the evils of Satan as the “new normal” where sexualization of children and vulnerable adults are expected as the new DNC “skillset.”

  2. Great example Kamala is setting for other young black men. Resist arrest! It’s the appropriate thing to do.

    Why is it the only people held responsible for deescalating a situation are the police? Why aren’t the perps held responsible?

  3. In my experience prog chicks have a rather plastic and flexible criteria regarding perpetrators of sexual assault or other crimes such as domestic assault. If the perp is a good hard leftist, or can be used to advance their political agenda, it doesn’t register with them that they have done anything all that bad.

    Whoopi Goldberg suggesting that whatever he was guilty of it wasn’t “rape-rape”

  4. Kakamala shits her own bed. Again.

    Does anybody else have trouble comprehending just what it means when someone says, “I’m proud of” someone when there’s no prior connection between the two? Parents can be proud of their children because they had a major influence on how the kids turned out. A math teacher, say, can be proud of a student who excels at math. But if you have made no contribution to the abilities or actions of someone else, how can you be proud of that? Pleased, amused, envious, gratified…sure. But proud? No.

  5. But….but…. Kalamity doesn’t believe Tara Reade now! She used to be proud of women who had the courage to come forward. Is it possible that she’s willing to overlook what Dementia Joe did to poor Tara Reade just to become the first Jamindian to run for the position of Surrogate President? I’m beginning to think that Senator Harris is just another politician. What a disappointment.


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