“Devil & Karl Marx” – IOTW Report

“Devil & Karl Marx”

Author Paul Kengor on the Satanic roots of Marxism.
The Eric Metaxas Radio Show.

Just how dangerous is Marxism? Political Science professor Paul Kengor breaks down the disaster that this particular worldwide has unleashed onto the world with thoughts pulled from his book, “The Devil and Karl Marx.”

8 Comments on “Devil & Karl Marx”

  1. Oh! Oh! I listened to this last night! I think this is the source of my increasing anxiety about all this stuff.

    The GatewayPundit has a very disturbing piece today on the demonic possession of BLM/Antifa. Contains the stories of three combat vets who were in Portland to interview as cops and ended up being beaten and chased by antifa, even though they were armed and could have repelled them.


    This is a battle against spirits. And it’s not just the evil in the streets — it’s in our gov’t and it wants to be president/vice president.

  2. O.T. There are at least a dozen wildfires burning in Oregon. Entire counties are at Level 1 evacuation, with many areas at Level 2 and 3. Whole towns have been destroyed. We are waiting for the word for us to bug-out. All these fires started at roughly the same time throughout the state. But if you even hint it might be Antifa related , and you will be branded a crazy conspiracy theorist.

  3. Good discussion.

    It has been obvious to me that progressivism, or if you prefer Marxism, is actively hostile to The Good. Followers of Marxism have had a consistent hostility to God from day one. Ann Bernhardt has done much on diabolical narcissism and articulates quite well my understanding of what motivates individuals who follow this political philosophy, or worldview if you prefer.

    To actually have experienced in my own life how the followers of Marxism/progressivism have taken envy from being among the very most destructive of sins and elevated it to being a primary virtue in their belief system is what motivated me to really dig into this subject. That inculcation of envy as a virtue is consistent with their view of what has been recognized as sin in general.

  4. AA we are indeed in not only a physical war but a spiritual one as well. My Pastor once said that it happens first in the natural and then manifests itself in the spiritual. I sense something going on in the spirit since I’ve been praying a lot lately about what’s going on in the country and almost invariably every night lately I feel like I’m under attack while I am sleeping. I can’t quite put my finger on it but it’s definitely there and is of concern but fortunately God is helping me thru it. Still I would like to get a good nights sleep without feeling like I’m under attack by forces of darkness. I feel like I’m over the target and taking a lot of flak because of this, I’m also praying harder than I ever have before for the salvation and revival of our country lest we become like Russia 100 years ago and forget God and end up going thru 70 years of hell like they did from 1919-1989. The enemy is playing for keeps and its time for all of us to wake up and know that if we don’t fight this with God’s help we’re in extreme danger of losing this country as it was founded and that scares me, more so for my children and 4 granddaughters since I’ve had and we have had freedom most of our lives that they may never experience like we have.

  5. Do you know Screwtape? Imagination and wonder is a great casualty of the modern era. Sitting down with a story book and a child is a great weapon in the battle, instead of plugging them into technology. It only makes sense that if there are angels amongst us, there would also be demons.

    Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.

  6. Thank you, guys! We need to keep this topic, discussion and mutual encouragement uppermost here at IOTW because we really need it now more than ever.

    Geoff the Aardvark — I sense it, too, and it scares me, too. Most usually I’m aware when the evil one is at my elbow trying to exploit an opportuity in my weakness. Usually I can laugh at his puny attempts, but lately it feels like there is a lot more pressing down on me. Sometimes it’s very hard to praise God when bad things are happening.

    But when you look at POTUS Trump’s battles against the Democrats and their supporters through a spiritual lens, suddenly you see the impetus behind the hateful lies and the horrendous threats. And this is being directed at all of us.

    It’s one thing for the U.S. President to show up to an obligatory “National Prayer Breakfast” once a year and put on the humble piety act. It’s an entirely different story when the president regularly fills the Oval Office with Christian evangelicals to pray with him, prays (sometimes twice!) in his cabinet meetings and almost every other time he meets with anyone, and who openly and sincerely praises and thanks God at every opportunity. (I watched him interrupt the Hurricane Laura roundtable discussion by asking for prayer!) No wonder the prince of darkness is in a maniacal rage against him, those he represents and defends.

    Sister Dede said it beautifully at the RNC when she said her weapon of choice is the rosary. I’m not Catholic, but I heard her loud and clear.

    Pray hard, dear friends. And let’s not get sucked down into this maelstrom of hatred.

  7. Been preaching this for years on IOTW, Marx and Satan, one and the same.. if you are unaware Lucifer can take any form in his effort to deceive.

    Unfortunately he rarely needs to as so many are willing to worship him without it.

    We are going to have a national demon fest of epic proportions on Nov 4. Be ready patriots…,

  8. There were a couple of other things that occurred to me about this topic. The Democrats using Covid19 as an excuse to keep the saints from meeting. And as Stan Evans used to joke: “I can’t remember the second thing.”


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