Georgia secretary of state says 1,000 people voted twice in June primary – IOTW Report

Georgia secretary of state says 1,000 people voted twice in June primary

Just The News –

He said the double voting did not change the election results.

9 Comments on Georgia secretary of state says 1,000 people voted twice in June primary

  1. I wonder what real penalties these people will actually receive, it being a felony and all that sort of stuff.

    Maybe I’m just growing jaded in my old age, but I usually don’t expect much if any penalty given to those who flaunt our entire system if they’re on the Left side of the aisle and do it for political reasons.

  2. Right double voting doesn’t change election results. Colorado went to an all mail in ballot several years ago. The first major election resulted in every key republican held seat turning to blue including the Sec of State and the AG. It was under a moronic republican that policy was implemented. They send you two ballots if you are an independent, you are supposed to just fill out the one you want. It is a disaster. If this is widespread on Election Day this county will be in chaos.

  3. Because we live in a society with zero consequences I don’t expect any in this case due to the fact that another article quoted Raffensperger bleating

    “Double-voting is punishable by one to 10 years in prison and a fine up to $100,000. The Georgia attorney general’s office and local prosecutors will decide whether to bring charges following investigations on a case-by-case basis, Raffensperger said.”

    Got that? Prosecutors “will decide” & “case by case”.

    This is a greasy nothingburger never to be heard from again.

  4. “The voters apparently submitted absentee ballots and voted in person.”

    I get texts like these in Georgia once a week:

    “Republicans are counting on you to vote this November. Do your duty, and request your ballot to vote right now! Click here: “

    “Lara Trump: This election is the most critical in history. Our country is at stake. Our Democracy is at stake. Request your ballot here:”

    “Pres Trump: I have an urgent message. I need your support! The best way to ensure your vote counts this Nov is to request your ballot now:”

    I have heard that I must bring my uncompleted application for mail-in voting to my polling place if I choose to vote in person, otherwise my in-person vote is provisional, subject to verification that I did not vote by mail. I hope these vote frauds were caught in this way, but for SOS Raffensperger to say that MIV is the PREFERRED method of voting in is very discouraging.

    The voting process is being complicated and opened up to massive fraud with MIV. If they caught 1,000 fraud votes, it means they probably missed many more.

    Georgia voters, if you vote in person in November, Bring your MIV applications, if you didn’t destroy them already. Otherwise your in-person vote may become provisional, and the Dems can mess with those votes, too.

  5. “About 150,000 of the Georgia voters who requested absentee ballots for the June primary later showed up to vote in person…”

    I never requested absentee ballots, yet they showed up in my mailbox. Those 150,000 above probably did not request them, either, and threw them away or destroyed them. When they went to vote in the primary, their votes were probably automatically deemed provisional subject to verification that they had not voted by mail.

    I was probably one of those voters, because I did not bring my MIV application to the polls. I will have it in November when I vote in person.

  6. If you want to stop it; Name, Shame & $5,000 fine for 1st offense.

    You also link the fine to the renewal of their drivers license. If they do not Pay then they do not drive.

    Word will get out quickly.


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