Stelter connects the dots (*eyeroll*) – IOTW Report

Stelter connects the dots (*eyeroll*)

Patriot Retort: I saw the funniest damn headline from CNN yesterday: “Stelter connects the dots between Fox News and Trump policy.”

I mean if you want to assign something nefarious to Fox News, who else is going to follow the insidious threads but CNN’s resident Fox News conspiracy theorist Captain Connects the Dots himself?

You see, last week, Tucker Carlson invited on his show Chris Rufo, a research fellow at the Discovery Institute who has been looking into the implementation of “critical race theory” indoctrination within the Federal Government.

You can watch the segment in question HERE.

And, according to Captain Connects the Dots, the only reason Trump issued an executive order banning the deeply racist indoctrination is because Trump saw this segment of Tucker’s show.


Even if Captain Connects the Dots is right, who cares? Who cares how President Trump learned about this?

Critical race theory and its condemnation of an entire race is flat-out garbage. It is the basis of what I call the Collective Guilt of the Kooky Progressive Religion. So if President Trump was prompted to ban Critical Race Theory training based on Chris Rufo’s interview on Tucker’s show, who cares? That’s not a conspiracy theory; it’s a public service. more

4 Comments on Stelter connects the dots (*eyeroll*)

  1. Didn’t he claim Fox tried to honeypot him with some hot chick?

    Naturally, he would be suspicious if an attractive woman paid any attention to him.

    If they really wanted to trap him, they would have invited him for coffee near a school zone for a boys academy while they were practicing lacrosse.

    They would have had to have tranq darted him off a midfielder as he kept whispering “this is CNN” into his ear from behind.

  2. the Walton & Johnson radio show detailed this morning how Brian “Costanza” Stelter was guesting on a CSPAN call-in show and some guy called in and said to Stelter, “y’all look like Humpty dumpty…”

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