President Trump Announces Potential Names of Supreme Court Judicial Appointment – IOTW Report

President Trump Announces Potential Names of Supreme Court Judicial Appointment

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27 Comments on President Trump Announces Potential Names of Supreme Court Judicial Appointment

  1. Where is Amy Coney Barrett on that list? She should be at the very top, much more qualified, and more reliable to uphold the strict constructionist viewpoint that we want over Kavanaugh.

    Ted Cruz first, then we can discuss the rest.

  2. Take all the Republican Senators off the list because those seats need to be held.

    I would add General Michael Flynn’s outstanding Attorney, Sidney Powell to the top of the list. She’s just great.

  3. @PHenry:

    Take all the Republican Senators off the list because those seats need to be held.

    Seeing Rep senators on the list made me uneasy as well. I don’t know off the top of my head which seats are “safe” in that if vacated the replacement would be a pro-Trump person, but that’s the only way I’d want to see any sitting senators named to the SCOTUS.

  4. When asked the same question, Joe Biden replied “Yes, I do love the list of choice at Taco Bell, but I really love their Supreme meal Now if you excuse me, no more questions as I have to go find out who I picked to be my VP. Oh, where am I?”

  5. Thinking through the politics a bit more, the ideal situation would be for a vacancy to be filled after all the election results are certified (note I didn’t say “after Nov. 3”). The lame duck senate would then know where their numbers stand, and who would be the senator-appointing governor(s) if President Trump tags one of the senators on his list.

  6. He’s challenging Biden to release the Biden list. I think that’s very good political move. He probably won’t, in which case Trump can bash him for it because Biden’s picks would be so bad he’s afraid to let voters know before the election what his choices would be. Biden might even really box himself in like he did with his VP pick criteria.

  7. Is this the POTUS doing some bait trolling here? Timing wise?

    Why does this come out now??

    The level of confidence in this is incredible and to them, the Left, incredulous.

    @LCD – yes

    @Phenry and Joe6pak – interesting but she might be better suited in defending PATRIOTS in the private sector?

  8. Rogilio “Ted” Cruz has no honor; He ran for President knowing he was not eligible. He was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. His father is from Cuba. He can serve on the SC, yes, as President he is in the same category as Barry.

  9. Motivation and encouragement for RBG to fight harder to stay alive, and at least semi-active on the court. An unintended consequence of publicizing the list of her possible replacement.

  10. Seriously, I like that DJT is making a list and getting out in front of almost every issue with a conservative POV. Maybe because he knows it a close do-or-die race he is on his best game. Things are shaping up nicely. The media is imploding like Dan Rather led them to do in 2004. Trump is even being promoted (somewhat?) by Rove who ALWAYS knows on which side his bread is buttered. This SCOTUS move is very sly. Wait until the living saint RBG gets her posse on this. Sadly even they cannot keep her alive and Trump can always say, Oh I was just musing, who knows what will happen (nobody thought Scalia was gonna get smothered by a pillow in a hunting lodge… I mean Trump won’t say that but we know Epstein did not commit suicide either…) and I need to be consistent, LMAO.

  11. My cynicism is malignant, but what difference does it make? Unless they’re Democrats (because they never hide their true selves), we can’t recognize them after they’re appointed anyway.


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