New Reporting Shows Kenosha Riots Hit Minority Communities Hardest – IOTW Report

New Reporting Shows Kenosha Riots Hit Minority Communities Hardest

FEE: On August 23, the police shooting of an African American man named Jacob Blake sparked national unrest yet again, in a pattern that has become all too common. Blake survived the shooting, and the incident was murky—not a clear-cut injustice. Yet rioting and looting broke out in Kenosha, Wisconsin, nonetheless.

Now, as the dust settles and locals begin to sort through the rubble, the scale of the destruction that rocked the city after Blake’s death is becoming clear.

At least 56 businesses were damaged or destroyed by looting or arson, according to the Wall Street Journal. Current assessments report more than $50 million in damage.

“The destruction has left shop owners in one of Kenosha’s oldest business districts grappling with why their businesses became casualties of the destruction that has followed protests against racism and police brutality, and whether they will have the money to rebuild and stay in the neighborhood,” the Journal reports. “While Kenosha’s population is 79.5% white and 11.5% Black, according to census data, locals say the Uptown neighborhood is one of the city’s most diverse areas, with a majority of minority-owned businesses.” more

7 Comments on New Reporting Shows Kenosha Riots Hit Minority Communities Hardest

  1. “left shop owners in one of Kenosha’s oldest business districts grappling with why their businesses became casualties of the destruction…”

    Because they didn’t have people with rifles that were willing to shoot arsonists intent on burning down their business. It’s that simple.

  2. Follow the money – who benefits when small businesses whether minority or white owned get shot down and destroyed – liberals donating money to BLM – Bezos, Walmart, etc. Bezos wife, now the richest woman in the world (I guess that saves her from total scorn like Hillary Cankles Clinton the original most cheated on woman in the world at least got her payout) funds BLM as there is no tomorrow.

  3. Duh! We knew that about ALL the
    riots since Watts…
    My old pal in Charleston,SC where I grew
    up at told me the antiqueefa did ALOT of
    damage to old King St.I hung out on King St.
    in the 1970’s.Day 7 night…. I enjoyed the
    300+ year old unspoiled charm of the city.

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