What’s going on with the Durham investigation, if anything? – IOTW Report

What’s going on with the Durham investigation, if anything?

American Thinker: Ever since Attorney General Barr appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham to investigate the origins of the Russia collusion probe, Trump supporters have been waiting for the bomb to drop. And waiting. And waiting. But nothing ever happens.

Judicial Watch’s founder Tom Fitton thinks that conservatives are being scammed. Instead of an investigation, it’s just another Washington cover-up. I suspect (or, maybe, hope), though, that Barr and Durham are holding their fire because of the election.

Tom Fitton, whose organization doggedly uncovers documents the Swamp wants to hide, was on Fox News’ Lou Dobbs Tonight. He is concerned that the John Durham investigation is a sham:

19 Comments on What’s going on with the Durham investigation, if anything?

  1. If this whole business is indeed a sham/cover up, then if we as a people don’t rise up in a state of war and rebellion, we are truly lost as a nation. It’s time that the government fears US!

  2. Assuming that Trump wins the election, the GOP retians and/or increases the lead in the Senate and takes back Congress (maybe not that big a leap as people assume) I’d bet that Trump will go old school on all the people who have tried to drive him from office. If Barr still seems to be stalled then fire his ass and appoint Rudy Giuliani the new AG. Too bad Rudy can’t be cloned as I’d bet cash money he’d be a lock to win the Mayors seat in NYC and they sure as hell need him now.

  3. Our first clue was when Durham was widely praised as a “serious, highly respected no nonsense career prosecutor who didn’t hesitate to go after both republicans and democrats”
    Translation: He’s a fixer, an insider who knows how to sift through the paper trail and cull any damaging and or incriminating information that could cause problems if exposed to a nosy public.

  4. Trump immediately backing down on prosecuting Hillary after he was elected should have shown the direction we were going to take with the Left and the inner circle establishment.

    But it didn’t so the process of misleading continues to keep people distracted and prevent anything effective from being done.

    And it’s obviously a process that works so it won’t come to an end until the malcontent people just shut up, accept thinhgs the way they are, and go away.

  5. I hope Durham and Barr are doggedly working for the betterment of our Polity, but my natural skepticism inclines me to believe that they’re marking time.
    Barr strikes me as one of those who idealizes “The Law” and sees its execution (in this instance) as disturbing the status quo ante (Globaloney-ism).
    Loath to bring “justice” to any of the “elite.”
    But the World has moved on.
    The Globaloney-ists of yesterday are the Nihilistic Totalitarians of today and nothing short of a literal Hell-On-Earth (National Socialist, Inter-National Socialist, Fascist, whatever) is acceptable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I doubt if our government can or will cull its own. Rising up is the only answer for an actual fix to justice thief. More of nothing or another band-aide on the horizon.

  7. Deep State deeper than you thought.

    The Swamp, swampier.

    We’ve already had the first investigation under Sessions that was a complete fraud. It’s underway. No updates. Only to reveal they weren’t doing anything.

    My justice balls can only get so blue.

  8. Barr is just as useless as reefer madness sessions.

    First thing done is CLEAN HOUSE when Y-O-U are the top dog and replace them with your own trusted and vetted people.

    Then you move on to issues that need to be taken care of after prioritizing them with your new team of people you can count on… NOT using hold-over from the coup-plotters and trump-haters while trying to “clean up the swamp”.

    Willful incompetence comes to mind…. i know, I am being too kind and IMHO the entire DOJ, FBI, CIA, should be shut down, ALL personnel should lose ALL benefits, and every single one should be barred from EVER serving in a government position ever again and THEN they should all be investigated for crimes committed.

    Since that will NEVER happen, welcome to the new normal of perpetual coup attempts.

  9. Of course it’s a scam. To expose the malfeasance would undermine and expose themselves. They know they’re caught and so they are performing kabuki theater. A distraction. It will work, because the American public have no memory and no stomach to do what actually needs to be done.


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