There is something very wrong with some in the top ranks of America’s military – IOTW Report

There is something very wrong with some in the top ranks of America’s military

American Thinker:

With Bob Woodward’s anti-Trump book about to be published, the media is focusing entirely on the easily debunked claim that Trump mishandled the Wuhan virus by “lying” to the American people. What the media is ignoring, however, is a much more serious claim, which is that former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis plotted to overthrow Trump and his administration. This fact, if true, supports my long-time fear about the damage Obama inflicted on the upper echelons of the Pentagon.

The Conservative Treehouse caught the Mattis item:

According to a pre-release excerpt from the Washington Post Bob Woodward writes about a discussion between General James Mattis and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats about a plot to overthrow the elected government of the United States.


What do you call a conversation between the Defense Secretary and the head of the U.S. intelligence apparatus where they are talking about taking “collective action” to remove an elected President?  That’s called sedition…. A seditious conspiracy. more

29 Comments on There is something very wrong with some in the top ranks of America’s military

  1. During the eight anti military years of Obama, there was not only a hollowing out of the top levels, but a replacement with like minded or compromised and controllable personnel.

  2. @Charlie WalksonWater
    There should be hundreds of capable patriotic soldiers, sailors, airmen (and spacemen) who would be honored to replace the stains that currently occupy leadership positions in the Pentagon.

  3. The rot extends deep into the service academies, and it’s been rotting for years: BLM/Globohomo/Marxism runs rampant. These present and future officers are slowly transforming the Pentagon into just another woke multinational corporation.

    The leftists in the W era held signs that said, “We support the troops that shoot their officers”. Now their signs say “We support the officers who shoot their Commander In Chief”. Colonel David Hackworth was right.

    And LTC Vindman should face a firing squad.

  4. @ YourCreepyUncle

    Opinions can change as information changes. See: Jeff Sessions

    But okay, I’ll google hypocrisy…

    Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense.

    Now you google “non sequitur”

  5. @Your

    I thought he would be a good addition to the administration, being a Marine with an aggressive nick name. But I never considered him a hero.

    I was fooled once. Now the upper levels of the military are to be held in suspicion until proven that they will protect us from all enemies, including domestic ones.

  6. In all of these plots, schemes, and actions there is one thing that is never taken into consideration:

    The People.

    Do they think the people don’t count and can’t do anything about it or they will just not care and go along with them because they have accepted the roll of the cattle on the ranch that does what the rancher wants without a choice?

    What do you think?


  7. we currently have more high ranking generals (5 Star) now than at any time since the end of World War II and they can’t even solve the Afghanistan police action let alone how much toilet paper to buy for the Pentagon!!

  8. The Magic Half Negro purged the upper ranks of the military of patriots down to the O6 level and installed his Demonrat toadies, and now everyone is shocked? I survived because of my rare specialty which made it politically inconvenient to relieve me.

    That commie rat bastard Muslim queer did everything he could to destroy this country and our military, he hates America to his core and we let him lead this country to the abyss we are seeing today.

    Eight years I had to watch the godless shitbird destroy my beloved Army. You think that wasn’t hell on earth? He weaponized every single federal and most state government agencies and seeded them all with communist and Islamist bastards that can’t be fired.

    I will hate that rat fuck to the day I die, I can only hope his obvious Aids takes him before me so I can piss on his grave. I have him by 3 years and look and feel so much better.

  9. Guys & Dolls, This “situation” of the Deep State, Swamp, Actvist DAs/Judges, BLM/Antifa insurrection, The Resistance (in every part of society)…all of it is going to get ratcheted up and up and up to ELEVENTY. Then something’s gonna blow and blow big. It has to. It’s beyond anyone’s congtrol to stop it from happening. It’s probably governed by the law of physics at this point.

    “Under Pressure”

    Um de beh bah

  10. Eight years of the Obama-Biden imposture drove most of the best US military leaders into retirement and Obama went into his very infamous horse laugh and Biden was playing with himself.

    Think of what they left of the military high command.

    There are still a number of top notch people at the pentagon, but not as many as prior to the
    Obama-Biden imposture.

    It could be decades before we fully escape
    from what those pigs did.

  11. I liked Mattis until I saw how he reacted like an asshole when Trump refused to send in troops and opted to instead blow up a few assholes. Why did he agree to join the admin when he knew Trump wasn’t about extending wars or starting new ones AND told the UN and them that they were going to have to pay their share? Did he miss class that day?

  12. A lot of democrat big city mayors appear to have learned the Obama-method for getting rid of top commanders. I’ve lost count of the number of Chiefs of big city PD, who have resigned or resigned and retired. To be replaced, I’m guessing, by PD department heads that don’t mind watching city center buildings burn, and people be violently attacked.

    If there is any proof of General James Mattis and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats plotting to overthrow the US government, and it’s not just another one of Bob Woodward’s fiction tales. If serious charges, convictions and punishments aren’t forcefully pursued. I find it difficult to see a good future for the country.

    I would agree, “hope by december this year there will be radical personnel changes in the command structure.”

    But let’s hope those changes are made by Trump as he prepares to begin 4 more years in office. If they’re made, and a month later Joe Biden becomes president. December changes won’t matter. They’ll only have a very short life span. Traitors / sedition plotters will go free.

    A Trump victory will also reveal if Barr & Dunbar are only screwing around, or really wanting to kick some A, but have needed to wait for the right timing/conditions for successful prosecutions, and convictions to be possible.

  13. @MJA

    My take on Mattis was similar to yours.

    Mattis obviously did not agree with Trump not wanting to be engaged on the ground in limited shooting wars all over the world where NATO and mostly American forces get killed. Nothing in those countries ever really changes for more than a decade or so and then reverts back to previous.

    Afghanistan is no ones friend (ask Russia). What really has changed by being “on the ground”? The UN builds schools, hospitals, and installs a government then Taliban or some other Islamist extremists blow it up the minute you turn your back.

    So far, the Trumps diplomacy of Vaporizing General Purpose Asshole Soleimani seems to have quieted Iran down much more than anything I can remember. This is coupled with Trump finally letting your US military off the leash to surround & slaughter ISIS/ISIL has worked quite well.

    The whole middle east thing looks like a longer, more drawn out Vietnam where the USA fights with its hands tied behind its back and the rest of the world criticizes as you blow you countries wealth fighting someone else’s war. Fuck Them!

    You boys had you Civil War, slowly healed, and emerged as one nation.

    Let these assholes figure it out themselves and deal with who ever the victor is.

    No one will change Afghanistan but the Afghans. In the mean time firebomb the opium fields that are poisoning the world the world from 50,000 feet and DO NOT worry about who is in those fields. They already want you dead anyway. Cut off their illegal money & UN aide. Make sure that none of Our soldiers are anywhere near the ground when you do it.

    This is not WW2 and a Hersey bar in a young kids hand that has been taught to hate you since birth because you are Christian/American/non believer will not change his “heart & Mind” sadly.


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