Mother Earth is ANGRY!!!! – IOTW Report

Mother Earth is ANGRY!!!!

Patriot Retort:

Nothing says “I follow science and facts” quite like believing hurricanes and wildfires are Mother Earth dispensing some righteous wrath.

But that’s precisely what Nancy Pelosi did yesterday on MSNBC.

“Mother Earth is angry,” science-lover Pelosi said. “She’s telling us with hurricanes on the Gulf Coast, fires in the West, whatever it is.”

Sure, you gin-soaked hag.

Mother Earth is angry.

I wonder how Mother Earth feels about Botox and hair dyes.

Hey, have you noticed how regressive American progressives are?

It really is a head-scratcher, isn’t it?

Their idea of lecturing us about “believing” in science, is issuing doomsday proclamations about a vengeful Mother Earth.

Then again, as I’ve pointed out before, it isn’t “science” they embrace, but “scientism.” It is a religion with believers and heretics, articles of faith – and even its own saints.

Case in point…

19 Comments on Mother Earth is ANGRY!!!!

  1. The Sun is sleepy. We are in a Solar Minimum that will make us colder, wetter and subject to highly erratic changes in weather and climate over the next 30-40 years. The usual West to East Jet Stream directions are gone; replaced by meridional North to South and South to North directions that sweep cold and heat to locations that haven’t seen this since 1830 at the end of the Dalton Minimum.
    See link for active map.

  2. Off topic…
    I drove through rural northern Maryland on Wednesday and saw my first Trump yard signs…quite a few of them. Then I drove into Libtardia (suburban Columbia, MD) yesterday and saw two Biden yard signs. Northern Maryland is full of farms and down-to-earth, normal people. Libtardia is plagued with freaks and homos. Maryland is a true microcosm of America.

  3. Sorry – I was referring to the scarcity of liberal virgins in California. If you visit San Francisco, you can find a volcano/wild fire/hurricane god on every other street corner.

  4. I don’t know about Mother Earth. But Mother Nature smiled on me with grace helping me out a lot two weeks ago.

    Fishing tip; before leaving home and driving 4 hours / 200 miles to your vacation house with plans to stay 2 weeks and go fishing everyday possible. Make sure you packed your fishing kit. The small pack with your fishing license, nippers, forceps, tippet spool, fly box, and such.

    I did not. Hiked the first day but checked river conditions which was about perfect. Went to the river to fish the second day. Put on my fishin’ cap, grabbed a rod, net, and didn’t grab my kit because it was not there. Found some small forceps in the car, and finger nail clippers worked for changing flies, took my chances no DNR guy would ask to see my fishing license. Then Mother Nature stepped in to help me out with the problem. The third day it pretty much rained for 24 hours. And rained some every other day after that. Thereby making my mistake not to much of an issue. It was impossible to go a fishin’ with water level up in the trees.

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