President Trump Gets a Second Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize – IOTW Report

President Trump Gets a Second Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize


On Wednesday, we reported on President Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in mediating the historic Israel-UAE peace deal last month, otherwise known as the Abraham Accord, which will be signed at the White House next week.

Two days later, on Friday, President Trump was nominated for a second Nobel Peace Prize, this one for overseeing a historic peace deal between Serbia and Kosovo. more here

10 Comments on President Trump Gets a Second Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize

  1. Actually, he should get TWO Peace Prizes. Wouldn’t that just kick ol’ Barry to the curb?

    It’s hard to take their prize seriously anymore since the committee’s Barry Blunder. And I bet all that loot went straight into Mooch’s checking account. POTUS Trump will probably donate his to another worthy organization.


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