Rantz: Amazon takes another major step to abandon Seattle – IOTW Report

Rantz: Amazon takes another major step to abandon Seattle

An Amazon source say the plan includes moving Seattle jobs to Bellevue.

Jason Rantz: Tech giant Amazon is taking additional steps to abandon Seattle, choosing not to renew its lease for the top eight floors of an office building in South Lake Union. The space reportedly totals over 180,000 square feet.

An Amazon source tells the Jason Rantz Show of the decision to abandon the space at 2201 Westlake. (Update: Amazon confirms to the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH that they are leaving this property in December of this year.)

Citing three sources, the Puget Sound Business Journal first confirmed the details. more here

15 Comments on Rantz: Amazon takes another major step to abandon Seattle

  1. So Amazon is now “Amazooming” out of Seattle. I suppose now the Seattle Council will be hiring “Collection Specialists” to go door-to-door on a weekly basis to businesses & residents alike to collect money to pay for the Seattle Politician’s wages & pensions along with the “Progressive Politicians” in the state level.

  2. Amazon is fed up with that commie insurrectionist Sawant, the Seattle city council, and getting whacked with targeted taxes. Maybe not liking to walk through piles of human crap to get to the office has something to do with it, too.

  3. Uncle Al for the win.

    It’s not about antifa/blm, it’s the taxes. This isn’t a big deal for anyone around here. Frankly, the pressure on traffic will be abated. The Mercer Mess (where you go to get on I-5 at the north end of town) will improve.

    Amazon was the first megatech to locate it’s main campus in downtown Seattle, so everyone is used to commuting to the eastside (Bellevue/Redmond/Issaquah) anyway. I did it for years before I decided to work from home. And the commute isn’t as bad as you’d think. There are a lot of options.

    Amazon got a lot tax breaks for building their new offices in downtown. They probably factored a move into the whole equation at the start. It’s who they are.

    It’s not like they’re moving to Texas.

  4. “Antifa is a small problem compared to the Seattle City Council.” -joe6pak

    Agreed. The Seattle population enables the City Council which enables Antifa/BLM. In short, Seattle’s majority is Communist. By rights, Amazon should leave and have no business license there for that reason alone. But Bezos is leaving for other reasons: high taxes.

  5. May God have mercy on Bellevue. All those filthy rich mega liberals are going to bring their political views and voting habits with them. In 8 years Bellevue will be another Seattle.

  6. judgeroybean — Nah, Bellevue is where all the filthy rich Microsofties lived way before there was an Amazon. And at last check, they’re still doing all right. Besides, Bellevue is a sizeable city now in its own right and they have a much better city gov’t. The lefty pressure has always been on Seattle because the mayor’s office is the springboard into the governor’s mansion.

    Hopefully, Culp will give Inslee a run for his money this go around.


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