50 GOP Lawmakers call on Barr to “investigate and prosecute the groups” behind riots – IOTW Report

50 GOP Lawmakers call on Barr to “investigate and prosecute the groups” behind riots

News Thud:

A group of 50 GOP lawmakers led by Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) are calling for Attorney General Barr to investigate who may be funding riots of far-left anarchist groups.

Among the group are lawmakers Andy Biggs, Doug Collins and Steve King.

Below is the letter sent to Barr.

It reads “ANTIFA and other left-wing anarchist groups have unleashed a barrage of totalitarian attacks on our country in recent months, including accosting a sitting U.S. Senator, hijacking peaceful rallies, organizing armed riots, destroying property, burning buildings, stealing livelihoods, and spreading hate.” more

12 Comments on 50 GOP Lawmakers call on Barr to “investigate and prosecute the groups” behind riots

  1. All I can say is that they’d better start acting like they have something worth saving pretty soon or we won’t have much left with the way these Communists are savaging our cities! First stop with the catch & release horsehockey. Then start perp-walking and jailing high level organizers and politicians and bring back Treason like it really means something… cuz it DOES!! Gitmo has a purpose. Start using it! Don’t expect anything to change until we start rounding ’em up and handing out harsh sentences.

  2. In POTUS Trump’s efforts to give back the overreach of Executive power grabbed up by Barry Soetoro and those before him, I think he has made a mistake when it comes to suing the legitimate power of his Executive Branch over the DoJ. As this continues, I fear the outcome is too little, too late, in dealing with known funding sources of BLM and antifa. The DoJ should have named both groups terror orgs and got on with rounding up everyone attached to them.

    Instead we’ve got elected officials openly calling for more rioting and putting their names to orgs that both fund them and pay for their bail.

    How much longer this can keep up and not have long-standing effects is hard to say, but it can’t be much longer.

    It’s incredibly frustrating. We know who is funding these guys and even the letter to Barr doesn’t name any names!

  3. Gentlemen, it COULD be that Trump and his boys know more than we do. Their election prediction models may be telling them that coming down too hard now will backfire. It COULD be that Trump is looking to his re-election as a mandate. Let the voters pick first, then hammer down. Another great idea I heard is that the DOJ is focused on voter fraud. I sure hope #3 is true.


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