Arson Arrests Being Made Across the West Coast – IOTW Report

Arson Arrests Being Made Across the West Coast


In a rather disconcerting sequence of events many of the west coast forest fires are now being attributed to intentional arson.  One of the key aspects to the unnatural outbreak of fires is the proximity to homes and well established neighborhoods in California, Washington State and Oregon.

A twitter account by Katie Daviscourt has been tracking some of the fires and a recent series of events from the area(s) [SEE HERE].  The ongoing thread is updated with several points of evidence where people have been caught, captured or filmed in the act of lighting fires.  There is some speculation, and some evidence, that some of these fires may have been ignited by Antifa activists as a method of further creating crisis in the region.

The FBI is saying there is no evidence Antifa or Joe Biden’s far-left base of support are behind the fires. However, given the internal dynamic within the FBI; and accepting the FBI carries a political agenda; and considering the facts on the ground do not support the denials; the downplaying of motive by the FBI is not very reassuring.

A statement by federal law enforcement to Law Enforcement Today is troubling and points to several ongoing investigations into these fires:

LawEnforcementToday – […] A federal law enforcement source shared with Law Enforcement Today that the feds are looking into whether some of the cases are linked together… and warn there could be more “attacks”.

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28 Comments on Arson Arrests Being Made Across the West Coast

  1. People have died in these fires, not to mention the homes and livelihoods that have been lost. Charge the SOB’s with premeditated murder.
    If we started hanging miscreants on the courthouse lawns most of this shit would come to a sudden stop.

  2. We in the Spokane and Eastern Washington state area are still above the 400 level of air quality index today. Anything above 300 is considered to be hazardous to your health. It is gray, smoky, gunky and gloomy out there at least until tomorrow, I’ve never seen it this bad except maybe when Mt. St. Helens blew up 40 years ago. And I agree any arsonist caught setting a fire under these tinder dry conditions need to be shot on sight and let their bodies be burned to ashes in the fire they have caused.

  3. I just drove through WA, OR and ID and I couldn’t believe the smoke. I don’t know how far I was from any of the fires but visibility at times was like a thick fog across the road. Looking out across valleys and at times you couldn’t see anything but smoke.

    People purposely setting fires are murderers and need to be treated accordingly.

  4. We are currently 9 miles from the slater fire. We’ve been inundated with heavy smoke and dark skies for 3 days now.

    We live in a heavily treed area with only 2 escape routes and we are presently at level 2 fire notice.

    Along with our neighbors, we would not take kindly to finding anyone setting forest fires, I’m sure their body would never be found.

  5. The DHS won’t do it’s job. It claims that “white supremisists are the biggest threat to the country”. That leaves the people who are being burned out to come up with a solution.

  6. Anyone caught setting fires, kill them on the spot. Ours was by lightening – almost a month ago and they have all merged into the Complex fire. We were evacuated last Wednesday. Our house is still standing, but we’re still under evacuation warning. 2 more months of potential fires. Smoke and ash no relief! Eliminate the turds!

  7. Just got another evacuation alert just north of us – 2 miles. Winds will pick up today and through tomorrow. Low humidity, hot and dry. The environmentalist need to be eliminated as well. Damn them #=$@!!!!

  8. If I’m ever on a jury, and I hear testimony from the FBI, I’m going to totally disregard it.

    “But but but, the RANK AND FILE are not corrupt, only the D.C. politicized FBI!”

    Yeah, were do you think they got them from? The rank and file.

  9. The worse fires we have had here in the past were set by people. Mostly homeless people who don’t give a $hit, they have nothing to lose. I’m all for eliminating them, and anyone who intentionally sets one. I mean it too! Give me the noose or gun, I’ll tell them to take their pick, and no juicy fruit casket for them, they get cremated just like our stuff got cremated by them. #uckers!

  10. Because so many of these fires have only recently started, I find it very hard to believe the FBI has had time to conclude anything, given their glacially slow investigations into anything else.

    It’s really quite disturbing to know you can’t trust them to not protect criminals.

  11. …I take these personally because I used to be an FF, so if someone set a fire, I had to deal with it with all the attendant risks, so I considered every arson fire a direct attempt to kill ME.

    Intentional fires are different because, sometimes, the person who set them, doesn’t want anyone putting them out. So they do multiple sets, use accelerates, sometimes set up containers of flammables to burst or BLEVE that may be getting close when YOU’RE in there with them, block access to fire rooms, etc., on the (mistaken) assumption that all the evidence will be burnt up.

    But that’s in a house.

    Which is actually EASIER.

    You can LEAVE a house.

    Fun fact: one reason that fire trucks carry axes on their fenders and elsewhere on the outside of the vehicle is so the supply line and attack hoses can be quickly cut if the situation rapidly changes and a hasty escape is needed.

    Not gonna get far dragging a fire hydrant.

    Outdoor fires can have tripwires for explosives, razor wire at unpleasant heights, literal pits to fall into, with or without pungee sticks in them, all sorts of fascinating things, much of which was developed to protect pot farms Gavin Newsome doesn’t get a cut from, since when he legalized pot, he also activated the National Guard to wreck the competition.

    And don’t think Soros and friends haven’t thought about that.

    Wildfire firefighters aren’t as well-protected as a rule as their interior counterparts, turnouts and air tanks are largely impractical when covering large areas, or jumping from planes, so they’re pretty vulnerable if someone set a fire for nefarious reasons and planned to protect it.

    Fires on that scale make their own wind, and aren’t that predictable. They can suddenly Amp up and burn over an engine company putting out spot fires in suburbia, or chase men off a cliff if it comes at them hard enough.

    No, arsonist are not nice people.

    And arson is the one place I agree with a former Chicago mayor about, when he said shoot to kill.

    Because they’re murderers, plain and simple, and should be dealt with as such.×2-940×627.jpg

  12. Why would anyone think that a group that throws Molotov cocktails into an occupied building would not throw one into a forest? It’s a war between us and Antifa. Kill them all and let God sort them out.

  13. We’re almost at 500 on the air quality index as of noon, anything above 500 is off the charts. Fortunately I have no deliveries down South on the Palouse today. We’ll see what it looks like tomorrow, supposedly we’ll only be in the unsafe or unhealthy category between 100 and 300. I’m hoping that the rain we may get later this week comes sooner than later and please no thunder and lightning with it.


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