REPORT: Bernie Sanders ‘Expressing Worry’ That Joe Biden Is About To Blow The 2020 Election – IOTW Report

REPORT: Bernie Sanders ‘Expressing Worry’ That Joe Biden Is About To Blow The 2020 Election

He’s going to lose the Bernies.

DW: Former Vice President Joe Biden’s top competition for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), is privately expressing concerns that Biden is about to blow his chances at winning the 2020 presidential campaign—and unless Biden makes some big changes, Sanders is worried that progressives, who’ve committed to backing Biden’s bid, will jump ship.

The Washington Post reports that Sanders has “told associates that Biden is at serious risk of coming up short in the November election if he continues his vaguer, more centrist approach, according to the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive talks.” more

10 Comments on REPORT: Bernie Sanders ‘Expressing Worry’ That Joe Biden Is About To Blow The 2020 Election

  1. The DNC has a giant shit sandwich on the plate before it.

    I seriously think they are planning more for 2024 than 2020 now.

    Sure, they will max cheat opportunities, keep throwing bullshit breaking anti-Trump news from anonymous sources, fake polls, etc., but they are done for this November. Trump margin will be huge.

  2. The left has a very detailed game plan in place to insure victory, so that not even dementia Joe can blow it for them, short of a total nationwide Trump landslide that is. And even then, they intend wreak havoc and chaos on the country like we have never seen before.

    The game plan was put together by a group of hard core left and establishment democrats and never-Trumper RINOS – Bill Kristol being one of them – aaaannd, of course, with the backing of George Soros and the CCP. The name is the Transition Integrity Project (TIP).

    Certain parts of this plan have been noted in earlier threads here, as well as by Breitbart and an article in Most of the coverage has been either focused on one or two tactics or written from 30,000 feet.

    Neon Revolt has produced a thorough analysis of the entire TIP game plan and it is scary, if not depressing. The video is very long (51 minutes), but worth the investment in time. In the end he puts forth a plan to combat the TIP strategy, although I must admit that I don’t fully understand how it will work. But, he seemed pretty confident, so who knows.

    Blueprint for Chaos


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